ObjDir – Rust Version

In the previous post, I’ve shown how to write a minimal, but functional, Projected File System provider using C++. I also semi-promised to write a version of that provider in Rust. I thought we should start small, by implementing a command line tool I wrote years ago called objdir. Its purpose is to be a “command line” version of a simplified WinObj from Sysinternals. It should be able to list objects (name and type) within a given object manager namespace directory. Here are a couple of examples:

D:\>objdir \
PendingRenameMutex (Mutant)
ObjectTypes (Directory)
storqosfltport (FilterConnectionPort)
MicrosoftMalwareProtectionRemoteIoPortWD (FilterConnectionPort)
Container_Microsoft.OutlookForWindows_1.2024.214.400_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe-S-1-5-21-3968166439-3083973779-398838822-1001 (Job)
MicrosoftDataLossPreventionPort (FilterConnectionPort)
SystemRoot (SymbolicLink)
exFAT (Device)
Sessions (Directory)
MicrosoftMalwareProtectionVeryLowIoPortWD (FilterConnectionPort)
ArcName (Directory)
PrjFltPort (FilterConnectionPort)
WcifsPort (FilterConnectionPort)

D:\>objdir \kernelobjects
MemoryErrors (SymbolicLink)
LowNonPagedPoolCondition (Event)
Session1 (Session)
SuperfetchScenarioNotify (Event)
SuperfetchParametersChanged (Event)
PhysicalMemoryChange (SymbolicLink)
HighCommitCondition (SymbolicLink)
BcdSyncMutant (Mutant)
HighMemoryCondition (SymbolicLink)
HighNonPagedPoolCondition (Event)
MemoryPartition0 (Partition)

Since enumerating object manager directories is required for our ProjFS provider, once we implement objdir in Rust, we’ll have good starting point for implementing the full provider in Rust.

This post assumes you are familiar with the fundamentals of Rust. Even if you’re not, the code should still be fairly understandable, as we’re mostly going to use unsafe rust to do the real work.

Unsafe Rust

One of the main selling points of Rust is its safety – memory and concurrency safety guaranteed at compile time. However, there are cases where access is needed that cannot be checked by the Rust compiler, such as the need to call external C functions, such as OS APIs. Rust allows this by using unsafe blocks or functions. Within unsafe blocks, certain operations are allowed which are normally forbidden; it’s up to the developer to make sure the invariants assumed by Rust are not violated – essentially making sure nothing leaks, or otherwise misused.

The Rust standard library provides some support for calling C functions, mostly in the std::ffi module (FFI=Foreign Function Interface). This is pretty bare bones, providing a C-string class, for example. That’s not rich enough, unfortunately. First, strings in Windows are mostly UTF-16, which is not the same as a classic C string, and not the same as the Rust standard String type. More importantly, any C function that needs to be invoked must be properly exposed as an extern "C" function, using the correct Rust types that provide the same binary representation as the C types.

Doing all this manually is a lot of error-prone, non-trivial, work. It only makes sense for simple and limited sets of functions. In our case, we need to use native APIs, like NtOpenDirectoryObject and NtQueryDirectoryObject. To simplify matters, there are crates available in crates.io (the master Rust crates repository) that already provide such declarations.

Adding Dependencies

Assuming you have Rust installed, open a command window and create a new project named objdir:

cargo new objdir

This will create a subdirectory named objdir, hosting the binary crate created. Now we can open cargo.toml (the manifest) and add dependencies for the following crates:

ntapi = "0.4"
winapi = { version = "0.3.9", features = [ "impl-default" ] }

winapi provides most of the Windows API declarations, but does not provide native APIs. ntapi provides those additional declarations, and in fact depends on winapi for some fundamental types (which we’ll need). The feature “impl-default” indicates we would like the implementations of the standard Rust Default trait provided – we’ll need that later.

The main Function

The main function is going to accept a command line argument to indicate the directory to enumerate. If no parameters are provided, we’ll assume the root directory is requested. Here is one way to get that directory:

let dir = std::env::args().skip(1).next().unwrap_or("\\".to_owned());

(Note that unfortunately the WordPress system I’m using to write this post has no syntax highlighting for Rust, the code might be uglier than expected; I’ve set it to C++).

The args method returns an iterator. We skip the first item (the executable itself), and grab the next one with next. It returns an Option<String>, so we grab the string if there is one, or use a fixed backslash as the string.

Next, we’ll call a helper function, enum_directory that does the heavy lifting and get back a Result where success is a vector of tuples, each containing the object’s name and type (Vec<(String, String)>). Based on the result, we can display the results or report an error:

let result = enum_directory(&dir);
match result {
    Ok(objects) => {
        for (name, typename) in &objects {
            println!("{name} ({typename})");
        println!("{} objects.", objects.len());
    Err(status) => println!("Error: 0x{status:X}")

That is it for the main function.

Enumerating Objects

Since we need to use APIs defined within the winapi and ntapi crates, let’s bring them into scope for easier access at the top of the file:

use winapi::shared::ntdef::*;
use ntapi::ntobapi::*;
use ntapi::ntrtl::*;

I’m using the “glob” operator (*) to make it easy to just use the function names directly without any prefix. Why these specific modules? Based on the APIs and types we’re going to need, these are where these are defined (check the documentation for these crates).

enum_directory is where the real is done. Here its declararion:

fn enum_directory(dir: &str) -> Result<Vec<(String, String)>, NTSTATUS> {

The function accepts a string slice and returns a Result type, where the Ok variant is a vector of tuples consisting of two standard Rust strings.

The following code follows the basic logic of the EnumDirectoryObjects function from the ProjFS example in the previous post, without the capability of search or filter. We’ll add that when we work on the actual ProjFS project in a future post.

The first thing to do is open the given directory object with NtOpenDirectoryObject. For that we need to prepare an OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES and a UNICODE_STRING. Here is what that looks like:

let mut items = vec![];

unsafe {
    let mut udir = UNICODE_STRING::default();
    let wdir = string_to_wstring(&dir);
    RtlInitUnicodeString(&mut udir, wdir.as_ptr());
    let mut dir_attr = OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES::default();
    InitializeObjectAttributes(&mut dir_attr, &mut udir, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);

We start by creating an empty vector to hold the results. We don’t need any type annotation because later in the code the compiler would have enough information to deduce it on its own. We then start an unsafe block because we’re calling C APIs.

Next, we create a default-initialized UNICODE_STRING and use a helper function to convert a Rust string slice to a UTF-16 string, usable by native APIs. We’ll see this string_to_wstring helper function once we’re done with this one. The returned value is in fact a Vec<u16> – an array of UTF-16 characters.

The next step is to call RtlInitUnicodeString, to initialize the UNICODE_STRING based on the UTF-16 string we just received. Methods such as as_ptr are necessary to make the Rust compiler happy. Finally, we create a default OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES and initialize it with the udir (the UTF-16 directory string). All the types and constants used are provided by the crates we’re using.

The next step is to actually open the directory, which could fail because of insufficient access or a directory that does not exist. In that case, we just return an error. Otherwise, we move to the next step:

let mut hdir: HANDLE = NULL;
match NtOpenDirectoryObject(&mut hdir, DIRECTORY_QUERY, &mut dir_attr) {
    0 => {
        // do real work...
    err => Err(err),

The NULL here is just a type alias for the Rust provided C void pointer with a value of zero (*mut c_void). We examine the NTSTATUS returned using a match expression: If it’s not zero (STATUS_SUCCESS), it must be an error and we return an Err object with the status. if it’s zero, we’re good to go. Now comes the real work.

We need to allocate a buffer to receive the object information in this directory and be prepared for the case the information is too big for the allocated buffer, so we may need to loop around to get the next “chunk” of data. This is how the NtQueryDirectoryObject is expected to be used. Let’s allocate a buffer using the standard Vec<> type and prepare some locals:

const LEN: u32 = 1 << 16;
let mut first = 1;
let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(LEN as usize);
let mut index = 0u32;
let mut size: u32 = 0;

We’re allocating 64KB, but could have chosen any number. Now the loop:

loop {
    let start = index;
    if NtQueryDirectoryObject(hdir, buffer.as_mut_ptr().cast(), LEN, 0, first, &mut index, &mut size) < 0 {
    first = 0;
    let mut obuffer = buffer.as_ptr() as *const OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION;
    for _ in 0..index - start {
        let item = *obuffer;
        let name = String::from_utf16_lossy(std::slice::from_raw_parts(item.Name.Buffer, (item.Name.Length / 2) as usize));
        let typename = String::from_utf16_lossy(std::slice::from_raw_parts(item.TypeName.Buffer, (item.TypeName.Length / 2) as usize));
        items.push((name, typename));
        obuffer = obuffer.add(1);

There are quite a few things going on here. if NtQueryDirectoryObject fails, we break out of the loop. This happens when there are is no more information to give. If there is data, buffer is cast to a OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION pointer, and we can loop around on the items that were returned. start is used to keep track of the previous number of items delivered. first is 1 (true) the first time through the loop to force the NtQueryDirectoryObject to start from the beginning.

Once we have an item (item), its two members are extracted. item is of type OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION and has two members: Name and TypeName (both UNICODE_STRING). Since we want to return standard Rust strings (which, by the way, are UTF-8 encoded), we must convert the UNICODE_STRINGs to Rust strings. String::from_utf16_lossy performs such a conversion, but we must specify the number of characters, because a UNICODE_STRING does not have to be NULL-terminated. The trick here is std::slice::from_raw_parts that can have a length, which is half of the number of bytes (Length member in UNICODE_STRING).

Finally, Vec<>.push is called to add the tuple (name, typename) to the vector. This is what allows the compiler to infer the vector type. Once we exit the loop, the Ok variant of Result<> is returned with the vector.

The last function used is the helper to convert a Rust string slice to a UTF-16 null-terminated string:

fn string_to_wstring(s: &str) -> Vec<u16> {
    let mut wstring: Vec<_> = s.encode_utf16().collect();
    wstring.push(0);    // null terminator

And that is it. The Rust version of objdir is functional.

The full source is at zodiacon/objdir-rs: Rust version of the objdir tool (github.com)

If you want to know more about Rust, consider signing up for my upcoming Rust masterclass programming.

Projected File System

A little-known feature in modern Windows is the ability to expose hierarchical data using the file system. This is called Windows Projected File System (ProjFS), available since Windows 10 version 1809. There is even a sample that exposes the Registry hierarchy using this technology. Using the file system as a “projection” mechanism provides a couple of advantages over a custom mechanism:

  • Any file viewing tool can present the information such as Explorer, or commands in a terminal.
  • “Standard” file APIs are used, which are well-known, and available in any programming language or library.

Let’s see how to build a Projected File System provider from scratch. We’ll expose object manager directories as file system directories, and other types of objects as “files”. Normally, we can see the object manager’s namespace with dedicated tools, such as WinObj from Sysinternals, or my own Object Explorer:

WinObj showing parts of the object manager namespace

Here is an example of what we are aiming for (viewed with Explorer):

Explorer showing the root of the object manager namespace

First, support for ProjFS must be enabled to be usable. You can enable it with the Windows Features dialog or PowerShell:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Client-ProjFS -NoRestart

We’ll start by creating a C++ console application named ObjMgrProjFS; I’ve used the Windows Desktop Wizard project with a precompiled header (pch.h):

#pragma once

#include <Windows.h>
#include <projectedfslib.h>

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <ranges>
#include <algorithm>
#include <format>
#include <optional>
#include <functional>

projectedfslib.h is where the ProjFS declarations reside. projectedfslib.lib is the import library to link against. In this post, I’ll focus on the main coding aspects, rather than going through every little piece of code. The full code can be found at https://github.com/zodiacon/objmgrprojfs. It’s of course possible to use other languages to implement a ProjFS provider. I’m going to attempt one in Rust in a future post 🙂

The projected file system must be rooted in a folder in the file system. It doesn’t have to be empty, but it makes sense to use such a directory for this purpose only. The main function will take the requested root folder as input and pass it to the ObjectManagerProjection class that is used to manage everything:

int wmain(int argc, const wchar_t* argv[]) {
	if (argc < 2) {
		printf("Usage: ObjMgrProjFS <root_dir>\n");
		return 0;

	ObjectManagerProjection omp;
	if (auto hr = omp.Init(argv[1]); hr != S_OK)
		return Error(hr);

	if (auto hr = omp.Start(); hr != S_OK)
		return Error(hr);

	printf("Virtualizing at %ws. Press ENTER to stop virtualizing...\n", argv[1]);
	char buffer[3];


	return 0;

Let start with the initialization. We want to create the requested directory (if it doesn’t already exist). If it does exist, we’ll use it. In fact, it could exist because of a previous run of the provider, so we can keep track of the instance ID (a GUID) so that the file system itself can use its caching capabilities. We’ll “hide” the GUID in a hidden file within the directory. First, create the directory:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::Init(PCWSTR root) {
	GUID instanceId = GUID_NULL;
	std::wstring instanceFile(root);
	instanceFile += L"\\_obgmgrproj.guid";

	if (!::CreateDirectory(root, nullptr)) {
		// failed, does it exist?
		if (::GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
			return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError());

If creation fails not because it exists, bail out with an error. Otherwise, get the instance ID that may be there and use that GUID if present:

	auto hFile = ::CreateFile(instanceFile.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, 
		FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr);
	if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && ::GetFileSize(hFile, nullptr) == sizeof(GUID)) {
		DWORD ret;
		::ReadFile(hFile, &instanceId, sizeof(instanceId), &ret, nullptr);

If we need to generate a new GUID, we’ll do that with CoCreateGuid and write it to the hidden file:

if (instanceId == GUID_NULL) {
	// write instance ID
	auto hFile = ::CreateFile(instanceFile.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nullptr, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, nullptr);
		DWORD ret;
		::WriteFile(hFile, &instanceId, sizeof(instanceId), &ret, nullptr);

Finally, we must register the root with ProjFS:

auto hr = ::PrjMarkDirectoryAsPlaceholder(root, nullptr, nullptr, &instanceId);
if (FAILED(hr))
	return hr;

m_RootDir = root;
return hr;

Once Init succeeds, we need to start the actual virtualization. To that end, a structure of callbacks must be filled so that ProjFS knows what functions to call to get the information requested by the file system. This is the job of the Start method:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::Start() {
	cb.StartDirectoryEnumerationCallback = StartDirectoryEnumerationCallback;
	cb.EndDirectoryEnumerationCallback = EndDirectoryEnumerationCallback;
	cb.GetDirectoryEnumerationCallback = GetDirectoryEnumerationCallback;
	cb.GetPlaceholderInfoCallback = GetPlaceholderInformationCallback;
	cb.GetFileDataCallback = GetFileDataCallback;

	auto hr = ::PrjStartVirtualizing(m_RootDir.c_str(), &cb, this, nullptr, &m_VirtContext);
	return hr;

The callbacks specified above are the absolute minimum required for a valid provider. PrjStartVirtualizing returns a virtualization context that identifies our provider, which we need to use (at least) when stopping virtualization. It’s a blocking call, which is convenient in a console app, but for other cases, it’s best put in a separate thread. The this value passed in is a user-defined context. We’ll use that to delegate these static callback functions to member functions. Here is the code for StartDirectoryEnumerationCallback:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::StartDirectoryEnumerationCallback(const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA* callbackData, const GUID* enumerationId) {
	return ((ObjectManagerProjection*)callbackData->InstanceContext)->DoStartDirectoryEnumerationCallback(callbackData, enumerationId);

The same trick is used for the other callbacks, so that we can implement the functionality within our class. The class ObjectManagerProjection itself holds on to the following data members of interest:

struct GUIDComparer {
	bool operator()(const GUID& lhs, const GUID& rhs) const {
		return memcmp(&lhs, &rhs, sizeof(rhs)) < 0;

struct EnumInfo {
	std::vector<ObjectNameAndType> Objects;
	int Index{ -1 };
std::wstring m_RootDir;
std::map<GUID, EnumInfo, GUIDComparer> m_Enumerations;

EnumInfo is a structure used to keep an object directory’s contents and the current index requested by the file system. A map is used to keep track of all current enumerations. Remember, it’s the file system – multiple directory listings may be happening at the same time. As it happens, each one is identified by a GUID, which is why it’s used as a key to the map. m_VirtContext is the returned value from PrjStartVirtualizing.

ObjectNameAndType is a little structure that stores the details of an object: its name and type:

struct ObjectNameAndType {
	std::wstring Name;
	std::wstring TypeName;

The Callbacks

Obviously, the bulk work for the provider is centered in the callbacks. Let’s start with StartDirectoryEnumerationCallback. Its purpose is to let the provider know that a new directory enumeration of some sort is beginning. The provider can make any necessary preparations. In our case, it’s about adding a new enumeration structure to manage based on the provided enumeration GUID:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::DoStartDirectoryEnumerationCallback(const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA* callbackData, const GUID* enumerationId) {
	EnumInfo info;
	m_Enumerations.insert({ *enumerationId, std::move(info) });
	return S_OK;

We just add a new entry to our map, since we must be able to distinguish between multiple enumerations that may be happening concurrently. The complementary callback ends an enumeration which is where we delete the item from the map:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::DoEndDirectoryEnumerationCallback(const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA* callbackData, const GUID* enumerationId) {
	return S_OK;

So far, so good. The real work is centered around the GetDirectoryEnumerationCallback callback where actual enumeration must take place. The callback receives the enumeration ID and a search expression – the client may try to search using functions such as FindFirstFile / FindNextFile or similar APIs. The provided PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA contains the basic details of the request such as the relative directory itself (which could be a subdirectory). First, we reject any unknown enumeration IDs:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::DoGetDirectoryEnumerationCallback(
	const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA* callbackData, const GUID* enumerationId, 
	PCWSTR searchExpression, PRJ_DIR_ENTRY_BUFFER_HANDLE dirEntryBufferHandle) {

	auto it = m_Enumerations.find(*enumerationId); 
	if(it == m_Enumerations.end())
		return E_INVALIDARG;
    auto& info = it->second;

Next, we need to enumerate the objects in the provided directory, taking into consideration the search expression (that may require returning a subset of the items):

	if (info.Index < 0 || (callbackData->Flags & PRJ_CB_DATA_FLAG_ENUM_RESTART_SCAN)) {
		auto compare = [&](auto name) {
			return ::PrjFileNameMatch(name, searchExpression);
		info.Objects = ObjectManager::EnumDirectoryObjects(callbackData->FilePathName, nullptr, compare);
		std::ranges::sort(info.Objects, [](auto const& item1, auto const& item2) { 
			return ::PrjFileNameCompare(item1.Name.c_str(), item2.Name.c_str()) < 0; 
		info.Index = 0;

There are quite a few things happening here. ObjectManager::EnumDirectoryObjects is a helper function that does the actual enumeration of objects in the object manager’s namespace given the root directory (callbackData->FilePathName), which is always relative to the virtualization root, which is convenient – we don’t need to care where the actual root is. The compare lambda is passed to EnumDirectoryObjects to provide a filter based on the search expression. ProjFS provides the PrjFileNameMatch function we can use to test if a specific name should be returned or not. It has the logic that caters for wildcards like * and ?.

Once the results return in a vector (info.Objects), we must sort it. The file system expects returned files/directories to be sorted in a case insensitive way, but we don’t actually need to know that. PrjFileNameCompare is provided as a function to use for sorting purposes. We call sort on the returned vector passing this function PrjFileNameCompare as the compare function.

The enumeration must happen if the PRJ_CB_DATA_FLAG_ENUM_RESTART_SCAN is specified. I also enumerate if it’s the first call for this enumeration ID.

Now that we have results (or an empty vector), we can proceed by telling ProjFS about the results. If we have no results, just return success (an empty directory):

if (info.Objects.empty())
	return S_OK;

Otherwise, we must call PrjFillDirEntryBuffer for each entry in the results. However, ProjFS provides a limited buffer to accept data, which means we need to keep track of where we left off because we may be called again (without the PRJ_CB_DATA_FLAG_ENUM_RESTART_SCAN flag) to continue filling in data. This is why we keep track of the index we need to use.

The first step in the loop is to fill in details of the item: is it a subdirectory or a “file”? We can also specify the size of its data and common times like creation time, modify time, etc.:

while (info.Index < info.Objects.size()) {
	auto& item = info.Objects[info.Index];
	itemInfo.IsDirectory = item.TypeName == L"Directory";
	itemInfo.FileSize = itemInfo.IsDirectory ? 0 : 
		GetObjectSize((callbackData->FilePathName + std::wstring(L"\\") + item.Name).c_str(), item);

We fill in two details: a directory or not, based on the kernel object type being “Directory”, and a file size (in case of another type object). What is the meaning of a “file size”? It can mean whatever we want it to mean, including just specifying a size of zero. However, I decided that the “data” being held in an object would be text that provides the object’s name, type, and target (if it’s a symbolic link). Here are a few example when running the provider and using a command window:

C:\objectmanager>dir p*
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is 18CF-552E

Directory of C:\objectmanager

02/20/2024 11:09 AM 60 PdcPort.ALPC Port
02/20/2024 11:09 AM 76 PendingRenameMutex.Mutant
02/20/2024 11:09 AM 78 PowerMonitorPort.ALPC Port
02/20/2024 11:09 AM 64 PowerPort.ALPC Port
02/20/2024 11:09 AM 88 PrjFltPort.FilterConnectionPort
5 File(s) 366 bytes
0 Dir(s) 518,890,110,976 bytes free

C:\objectmanager>type PendingRenameMutex.Mutant
Name: PendingRenameMutex
Type: Mutant

C:\objectmanager>type powerport
Name: PowerPort
Type: ALPC Port


typedef struct PRJ_FILE_BASIC_INFO {
    BOOLEAN IsDirectory;
    INT64 FileSize;
    LARGE_INTEGER CreationTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER LastAccessTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER LastWriteTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER ChangeTime;
    UINT32 FileAttributes;

What is the meaning of the various times and file attributes? It can mean whatever you want – it might make sense for some types of data. If left at zero, the current time is used.

GetObjectSize is a helper function that calculates the number of bytes needed to keep the object’s text, which is what is reported to the file system.

Now we can pass the information for the item to ProjFS by calling PrjFillDirEntryBuffer:

	if (FAILED(::PrjFillDirEntryBuffer(
		(itemInfo.IsDirectory ? item.Name : (item.Name + L"." + item.TypeName)).c_str(), 
		&itemInfo, dirEntryBufferHandle)))

The “name” of the item is comprised of the kernel object’s name, and the “file extension” is the object’s type name. This is just a matter of choice – I could have passed the object’s name only so that it would appear as a file with no extension. If the call to PrjFillDirEntryBuffer fails, it means the buffer is full, so we break out, but the index is not incremented, so we can provide the next object in the next callback that does not requires a rescan.

We have two callbacks remaining. One is GetPlaceholderInformationCallback, whose purpose is to provide “placeholder” information about an item, without providing its data. This is used by the file system for caching purposes. The implementation is like so:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::DoGetPlaceholderInformationCallback(const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA* callbackData) {
	auto path = callbackData->FilePathName;
	auto dir = ObjectManager::DirectoryExists(path);
	std::optional<ObjectNameAndType> object;
	if (!dir)
		object = ObjectManager::ObjectExists(path);
	if(!dir && !object)

	info.FileBasicInfo.IsDirectory = dir;
	info.FileBasicInfo.FileSize = dir ? 0 : GetObjectSize(path, object.value());
	return PrjWritePlaceholderInfo(m_VirtContext, callbackData->FilePathName, &info, sizeof(info));

The item could be a file or a directory. We use the file path name provided to figure out if it’s a directory kernel object or something else by utilizing some helpers in the ObjectManager class (we’ll examine those later). Then the structure PRJ_PLACEHOLDER_INFO is filled with the details and provided to PrjWritePlaceholderInfo.

The final required callback is the one that provides the data for files – objects in our case:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::DoGetFileDataCallback(const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA* callbackData, UINT64 byteOffset, UINT32 length) {
	auto object = ObjectManager::ObjectExists(callbackData->FilePathName);
	if (!object)

	auto buffer = ::PrjAllocateAlignedBuffer(m_VirtContext, length);
	if (!buffer)

	auto data = GetObjectData(callbackData->FilePathName, object.value());
	memcpy(buffer, (PBYTE)data.c_str() + byteOffset, length);
	auto hr = ::PrjWriteFileData(m_VirtContext, &callbackData->DataStreamId, buffer, byteOffset, length);

	return hr;

First we check if the object’s path is valid. Next, we need to allocate buffer for the data. There are some ProjFS alignment requirements, so we call PrjAllocateAlignedBuffer to allocate a properly-aligned buffer. Then we get the object data (a string, by calling our helper GetObjectData), and copy it into the allocated buffer. Finally, we pass the buffer to PrjWriteFileData and free the buffer. The byte offset provided is usually zero, but could theoretically be larger if the client reads from a non-zero position, so we must be prepared for it. In our case, the data is small, but in general it could be arbitrarily large.

GetObjectData itself looks like this:

std::wstring ObjectManagerProjection::GetObjectData(PCWSTR fullname, ObjectNameAndType const& info) {
	std::wstring target;
	if (info.TypeName == L"SymbolicLink") {
		target = ObjectManager::GetSymbolicLinkTarget(fullname);
	auto result = std::format(L"Name: {}\nType: {}\n", info.Name, info.TypeName);
	if (!target.empty())
		result = std::format(L"{}Target: {}\n", result, target);
	return result;

It calls a helper function, ObjectManager::GetSymbolicLinkTarget in case of a symbolic link, and builds the final string by using format (C++ 20) before returning it to the caller.

That’s all for the provider, except when terminating:

void ObjectManagerProjection::Term() {

The Object Manager

Looking into the ObjectManager helper class is somewhat out of the focus of this post, since it has nothing to do with ProjFS. It uses native APIs to enumerate objects in the object manager’s namespace and get details of a symbolic link’s target. For more information about the native APIs, check out my book “Windows Native API Programming” or search online. First, it includes <Winternl.h> to get some basic native functions like RtlInitUnicodeString, and also adds the APIs for directory objects:


#define DIRECTORY_QUERY  0x0001

extern "C" {
	NTSTATUS NTAPI NtOpenDirectoryObject(
		_Out_ PHANDLE hDirectory,
		_In_ ACCESS_MASK AccessMask,
		_In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes);

	NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject(
		_In_ HANDLE LinkHandle,
		_Inout_ PUNICODE_STRING LinkTarget,
		_Out_opt_ PULONG ReturnedLength);

	NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQueryDirectoryObject(
		_In_  HANDLE hDirectory,
		_In_  ULONG DirectoryEntryBufferSize,
		_In_  BOOLEAN  bOnlyFirstEntry,
		_In_  BOOLEAN bFirstEntry,
		_In_  PULONG  EntryIndex,
		_Out_ PULONG  BytesReturned);
	NTSTATUS NTAPI NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject(
		_Out_  PHANDLE LinkHandle,
		_In_   ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
		_In_   POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes);

Here is the main code that enumerates directory objects (some details omitted for clarity, see the full source code in the Github repo):

std::vector<ObjectNameAndType> ObjectManager::EnumDirectoryObjects(PCWSTR path, 
	PCWSTR objectName, std::function<bool(PCWSTR)> compare) {
	std::vector<ObjectNameAndType> objects;
	HANDLE hDirectory;
	std::wstring spath(path);
	if (spath[0] != L'\\')
		spath = L'\\' + spath;

	std::wstring object(objectName ? objectName : L"");

	RtlInitUnicodeString(&name, spath.c_str());
	InitializeObjectAttributes(&attr, &name, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
	if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtOpenDirectoryObject(&hDirectory, DIRECTORY_QUERY, &attr)))
		return objects;

	BYTE buffer[1 << 12];
	auto info = reinterpret_cast<OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION*>(buffer);
	bool first = true;
	ULONG size, index = 0;
	for (;;) {
		auto start = index;
		if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryDirectoryObject(hDirectory, info, sizeof(buffer), FALSE, first, &index, &size)))
		first = false;
		for (ULONG i = 0; i < index - start; i++) {
			ObjectNameAndType data;
			auto& p = info[i];
			data.Name = std::wstring(p.Name.Buffer, p.Name.Length / sizeof(WCHAR));
			if(compare && !compare(data.Name.c_str()))
			data.TypeName = std::wstring(p.TypeName.Buffer, p.TypeName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR));
			if (objectName && _wcsicmp(object.c_str(), data.Name.c_str()) == 0 || 
				_wcsicmp(object.c_str(), (data.Name + L"." + data.TypeName).c_str()) == 0) {
	return objects;

NtQueryDirectoryObject is called in a loop with increasing indices until it fails. The returned details for each entry is the object’s name and type name.

Here is how to get a symbolic link’s target:

std::wstring ObjectManager::GetSymbolicLinkTarget(PCWSTR path) {
	std::wstring spath(path);
	if (spath[0] != L'\\')
		spath = L"\\" + spath;

	HANDLE hLink;
	std::wstring target;
	RtlInitUnicodeString(&name, spath.c_str());
	InitializeObjectAttributes(&attr, &name, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
	if (NT_SUCCESS(NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject(&hLink, GENERIC_READ, &attr))) {
		WCHAR buffer[1 << 10];
		result.Buffer = buffer;
		result.MaximumLength = sizeof(buffer);
		if (NT_SUCCESS(NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject(hLink, &result, nullptr)))
			target.assign(result.Buffer, result.Length / sizeof(WCHAR));
	return target;

See the full source code at https://github.com/zodiacon/ObjMgrProjFS.


The example provided is the bare minimum needed to write a ProjFS provider. This could be interesting for various types of data that is convenient to access with I/O APIs. Feel free to extend the example and resolve any bugs.

Rust Programming Masterclass Training

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past several years (and you are a software developer), the Rust programming language is hard to ignore – in fact, it’s been voted as the “most loved” language for several years (whatever that means). Rust provides the power and performance of C++ with full memory and concurrency safety. It’s a system programming languages, but has high-level features like functional programming style and modularity. That said, Rust has a relatively steep learning curve compared to other mainstream languages.

I’m happy to announce a new training class – Rust Programming Masterclass. This is a brand new, 4 day class, split into 8 half-days, that covers all the foundational pieces of Rust. Here is the list of modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction to Rust
  • Module 2: Language Fundamentals
  • Module 3: Ownership
  • Module 4: Compound Types
  • Module 5: Common Types and Collections
  • Module 6: Modules and Project Management
  • Module 7: Error Handling
  • Module 8: Generics and Traits
  • Module 9: Smart Pointers
  • Module 10: Functional Programming
  • Module 11: Threads and Concurrency
  • Module 12: Async and Await
  • Module 13: Unsafe Rust and Interoperability
  • Module 14: Macros
  • Module 15: Lifetimes

Dates are listed below. The times are 11am-3pm EST (8am-12pm PST) (4pm-8pm UT)
March: 25, 27, 29, April: 1, 3, 5, 8, 10.

Cost: 850 USD (if paid by an individual), 1500 USD if paid by a company. Previous students in my classes get 10% off.

Special bonus for this course: anyone registering gets a 50% discount to any two courses at https://training.trainsec.net.


If you’d like to register, please send me an email to zodiacon@live.com and provide your full name, company (if any), preferred contact email, and your time zone.

The sessions will be recorded, so you can watch any part you may be missing, or that may be somewhat overwhelming in “real time”.

As usual, if you have any questions, feel free to send me an email, or DM on X (twitter) or Linkedin.