Projected File System

A little-known feature in modern Windows is the ability to expose hierarchical data using the file system. This is called Windows Projected File System (ProjFS), available since Windows 10 version 1809. There is even a sample that exposes the Registry hierarchy using this technology. Using the file system as a “projection” mechanism provides a couple of advantages over a custom mechanism:

  • Any file viewing tool can present the information such as Explorer, or commands in a terminal.
  • “Standard” file APIs are used, which are well-known, and available in any programming language or library.

Let’s see how to build a Projected File System provider from scratch. We’ll expose object manager directories as file system directories, and other types of objects as “files”. Normally, we can see the object manager’s namespace with dedicated tools, such as WinObj from Sysinternals, or my own Object Explorer:

WinObj showing parts of the object manager namespace

Here is an example of what we are aiming for (viewed with Explorer):

Explorer showing the root of the object manager namespace

First, support for ProjFS must be enabled to be usable. You can enable it with the Windows Features dialog or PowerShell:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Client-ProjFS -NoRestart

We’ll start by creating a C++ console application named ObjMgrProjFS; I’ve used the Windows Desktop Wizard project with a precompiled header (pch.h):

#pragma once

#include <Windows.h>
#include <projectedfslib.h>

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <ranges>
#include <algorithm>
#include <format>
#include <optional>
#include <functional>

projectedfslib.h is where the ProjFS declarations reside. projectedfslib.lib is the import library to link against. In this post, I’ll focus on the main coding aspects, rather than going through every little piece of code. The full code can be found at It’s of course possible to use other languages to implement a ProjFS provider. I’m going to attempt one in Rust in a future post 🙂

The projected file system must be rooted in a folder in the file system. It doesn’t have to be empty, but it makes sense to use such a directory for this purpose only. The main function will take the requested root folder as input and pass it to the ObjectManagerProjection class that is used to manage everything:

int wmain(int argc, const wchar_t* argv[]) {
	if (argc < 2) {
		printf("Usage: ObjMgrProjFS <root_dir>\n");
		return 0;

	ObjectManagerProjection omp;
	if (auto hr = omp.Init(argv[1]); hr != S_OK)
		return Error(hr);

	if (auto hr = omp.Start(); hr != S_OK)
		return Error(hr);

	printf("Virtualizing at %ws. Press ENTER to stop virtualizing...\n", argv[1]);
	char buffer[3];


	return 0;

Let start with the initialization. We want to create the requested directory (if it doesn’t already exist). If it does exist, we’ll use it. In fact, it could exist because of a previous run of the provider, so we can keep track of the instance ID (a GUID) so that the file system itself can use its caching capabilities. We’ll “hide” the GUID in a hidden file within the directory. First, create the directory:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::Init(PCWSTR root) {
	GUID instanceId = GUID_NULL;
	std::wstring instanceFile(root);
	instanceFile += L"\\_obgmgrproj.guid";

	if (!::CreateDirectory(root, nullptr)) {
		// failed, does it exist?
		if (::GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
			return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError());

If creation fails not because it exists, bail out with an error. Otherwise, get the instance ID that may be there and use that GUID if present:

	auto hFile = ::CreateFile(instanceFile.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, 
		FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr);
	if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && ::GetFileSize(hFile, nullptr) == sizeof(GUID)) {
		DWORD ret;
		::ReadFile(hFile, &instanceId, sizeof(instanceId), &ret, nullptr);

If we need to generate a new GUID, we’ll do that with CoCreateGuid and write it to the hidden file:

if (instanceId == GUID_NULL) {
	// write instance ID
	auto hFile = ::CreateFile(instanceFile.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nullptr, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, nullptr);
		DWORD ret;
		::WriteFile(hFile, &instanceId, sizeof(instanceId), &ret, nullptr);

Finally, we must register the root with ProjFS:

auto hr = ::PrjMarkDirectoryAsPlaceholder(root, nullptr, nullptr, &instanceId);
if (FAILED(hr))
	return hr;

m_RootDir = root;
return hr;

Once Init succeeds, we need to start the actual virtualization. To that end, a structure of callbacks must be filled so that ProjFS knows what functions to call to get the information requested by the file system. This is the job of the Start method:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::Start() {
	cb.StartDirectoryEnumerationCallback = StartDirectoryEnumerationCallback;
	cb.EndDirectoryEnumerationCallback = EndDirectoryEnumerationCallback;
	cb.GetDirectoryEnumerationCallback = GetDirectoryEnumerationCallback;
	cb.GetPlaceholderInfoCallback = GetPlaceholderInformationCallback;
	cb.GetFileDataCallback = GetFileDataCallback;

	auto hr = ::PrjStartVirtualizing(m_RootDir.c_str(), &cb, this, nullptr, &m_VirtContext);
	return hr;

The callbacks specified above are the absolute minimum required for a valid provider. PrjStartVirtualizing returns a virtualization context that identifies our provider, which we need to use (at least) when stopping virtualization. It’s a blocking call, which is convenient in a console app, but for other cases, it’s best put in a separate thread. The this value passed in is a user-defined context. We’ll use that to delegate these static callback functions to member functions. Here is the code for StartDirectoryEnumerationCallback:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::StartDirectoryEnumerationCallback(const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA* callbackData, const GUID* enumerationId) {
	return ((ObjectManagerProjection*)callbackData->InstanceContext)->DoStartDirectoryEnumerationCallback(callbackData, enumerationId);

The same trick is used for the other callbacks, so that we can implement the functionality within our class. The class ObjectManagerProjection itself holds on to the following data members of interest:

struct GUIDComparer {
	bool operator()(const GUID& lhs, const GUID& rhs) const {
		return memcmp(&lhs, &rhs, sizeof(rhs)) < 0;

struct EnumInfo {
	std::vector<ObjectNameAndType> Objects;
	int Index{ -1 };
std::wstring m_RootDir;
std::map<GUID, EnumInfo, GUIDComparer> m_Enumerations;

EnumInfo is a structure used to keep an object directory’s contents and the current index requested by the file system. A map is used to keep track of all current enumerations. Remember, it’s the file system – multiple directory listings may be happening at the same time. As it happens, each one is identified by a GUID, which is why it’s used as a key to the map. m_VirtContext is the returned value from PrjStartVirtualizing.

ObjectNameAndType is a little structure that stores the details of an object: its name and type:

struct ObjectNameAndType {
	std::wstring Name;
	std::wstring TypeName;

The Callbacks

Obviously, the bulk work for the provider is centered in the callbacks. Let’s start with StartDirectoryEnumerationCallback. Its purpose is to let the provider know that a new directory enumeration of some sort is beginning. The provider can make any necessary preparations. In our case, it’s about adding a new enumeration structure to manage based on the provided enumeration GUID:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::DoStartDirectoryEnumerationCallback(const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA* callbackData, const GUID* enumerationId) {
	EnumInfo info;
	m_Enumerations.insert({ *enumerationId, std::move(info) });
	return S_OK;

We just add a new entry to our map, since we must be able to distinguish between multiple enumerations that may be happening concurrently. The complementary callback ends an enumeration which is where we delete the item from the map:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::DoEndDirectoryEnumerationCallback(const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA* callbackData, const GUID* enumerationId) {
	return S_OK;

So far, so good. The real work is centered around the GetDirectoryEnumerationCallback callback where actual enumeration must take place. The callback receives the enumeration ID and a search expression – the client may try to search using functions such as FindFirstFile / FindNextFile or similar APIs. The provided PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA contains the basic details of the request such as the relative directory itself (which could be a subdirectory). First, we reject any unknown enumeration IDs:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::DoGetDirectoryEnumerationCallback(
	const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA* callbackData, const GUID* enumerationId, 
	PCWSTR searchExpression, PRJ_DIR_ENTRY_BUFFER_HANDLE dirEntryBufferHandle) {

	auto it = m_Enumerations.find(*enumerationId); 
	if(it == m_Enumerations.end())
		return E_INVALIDARG;
    auto& info = it->second;

Next, we need to enumerate the objects in the provided directory, taking into consideration the search expression (that may require returning a subset of the items):

	if (info.Index < 0 || (callbackData->Flags & PRJ_CB_DATA_FLAG_ENUM_RESTART_SCAN)) {
		auto compare = [&](auto name) {
			return ::PrjFileNameMatch(name, searchExpression);
		info.Objects = ObjectManager::EnumDirectoryObjects(callbackData->FilePathName, nullptr, compare);
		std::ranges::sort(info.Objects, [](auto const& item1, auto const& item2) { 
			return ::PrjFileNameCompare(item1.Name.c_str(), item2.Name.c_str()) < 0; 
		info.Index = 0;

There are quite a few things happening here. ObjectManager::EnumDirectoryObjects is a helper function that does the actual enumeration of objects in the object manager’s namespace given the root directory (callbackData->FilePathName), which is always relative to the virtualization root, which is convenient – we don’t need to care where the actual root is. The compare lambda is passed to EnumDirectoryObjects to provide a filter based on the search expression. ProjFS provides the PrjFileNameMatch function we can use to test if a specific name should be returned or not. It has the logic that caters for wildcards like * and ?.

Once the results return in a vector (info.Objects), we must sort it. The file system expects returned files/directories to be sorted in a case insensitive way, but we don’t actually need to know that. PrjFileNameCompare is provided as a function to use for sorting purposes. We call sort on the returned vector passing this function PrjFileNameCompare as the compare function.

The enumeration must happen if the PRJ_CB_DATA_FLAG_ENUM_RESTART_SCAN is specified. I also enumerate if it’s the first call for this enumeration ID.

Now that we have results (or an empty vector), we can proceed by telling ProjFS about the results. If we have no results, just return success (an empty directory):

if (info.Objects.empty())
	return S_OK;

Otherwise, we must call PrjFillDirEntryBuffer for each entry in the results. However, ProjFS provides a limited buffer to accept data, which means we need to keep track of where we left off because we may be called again (without the PRJ_CB_DATA_FLAG_ENUM_RESTART_SCAN flag) to continue filling in data. This is why we keep track of the index we need to use.

The first step in the loop is to fill in details of the item: is it a subdirectory or a “file”? We can also specify the size of its data and common times like creation time, modify time, etc.:

while (info.Index < info.Objects.size()) {
	auto& item = info.Objects[info.Index];
	itemInfo.IsDirectory = item.TypeName == L"Directory";
	itemInfo.FileSize = itemInfo.IsDirectory ? 0 : 
		GetObjectSize((callbackData->FilePathName + std::wstring(L"\\") + item.Name).c_str(), item);

We fill in two details: a directory or not, based on the kernel object type being “Directory”, and a file size (in case of another type object). What is the meaning of a “file size”? It can mean whatever we want it to mean, including just specifying a size of zero. However, I decided that the “data” being held in an object would be text that provides the object’s name, type, and target (if it’s a symbolic link). Here are a few example when running the provider and using a command window:

C:\objectmanager>dir p*
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is 18CF-552E

Directory of C:\objectmanager

02/20/2024 11:09 AM 60 PdcPort.ALPC Port
02/20/2024 11:09 AM 76 PendingRenameMutex.Mutant
02/20/2024 11:09 AM 78 PowerMonitorPort.ALPC Port
02/20/2024 11:09 AM 64 PowerPort.ALPC Port
02/20/2024 11:09 AM 88 PrjFltPort.FilterConnectionPort
5 File(s) 366 bytes
0 Dir(s) 518,890,110,976 bytes free

C:\objectmanager>type PendingRenameMutex.Mutant
Name: PendingRenameMutex
Type: Mutant

C:\objectmanager>type powerport
Name: PowerPort
Type: ALPC Port


typedef struct PRJ_FILE_BASIC_INFO {
    BOOLEAN IsDirectory;
    INT64 FileSize;
    LARGE_INTEGER CreationTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER LastAccessTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER LastWriteTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER ChangeTime;
    UINT32 FileAttributes;

What is the meaning of the various times and file attributes? It can mean whatever you want – it might make sense for some types of data. If left at zero, the current time is used.

GetObjectSize is a helper function that calculates the number of bytes needed to keep the object’s text, which is what is reported to the file system.

Now we can pass the information for the item to ProjFS by calling PrjFillDirEntryBuffer:

	if (FAILED(::PrjFillDirEntryBuffer(
		(itemInfo.IsDirectory ? item.Name : (item.Name + L"." + item.TypeName)).c_str(), 
		&itemInfo, dirEntryBufferHandle)))

The “name” of the item is comprised of the kernel object’s name, and the “file extension” is the object’s type name. This is just a matter of choice – I could have passed the object’s name only so that it would appear as a file with no extension. If the call to PrjFillDirEntryBuffer fails, it means the buffer is full, so we break out, but the index is not incremented, so we can provide the next object in the next callback that does not requires a rescan.

We have two callbacks remaining. One is GetPlaceholderInformationCallback, whose purpose is to provide “placeholder” information about an item, without providing its data. This is used by the file system for caching purposes. The implementation is like so:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::DoGetPlaceholderInformationCallback(const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA* callbackData) {
	auto path = callbackData->FilePathName;
	auto dir = ObjectManager::DirectoryExists(path);
	std::optional<ObjectNameAndType> object;
	if (!dir)
		object = ObjectManager::ObjectExists(path);
	if(!dir && !object)

	info.FileBasicInfo.IsDirectory = dir;
	info.FileBasicInfo.FileSize = dir ? 0 : GetObjectSize(path, object.value());
	return PrjWritePlaceholderInfo(m_VirtContext, callbackData->FilePathName, &info, sizeof(info));

The item could be a file or a directory. We use the file path name provided to figure out if it’s a directory kernel object or something else by utilizing some helpers in the ObjectManager class (we’ll examine those later). Then the structure PRJ_PLACEHOLDER_INFO is filled with the details and provided to PrjWritePlaceholderInfo.

The final required callback is the one that provides the data for files – objects in our case:

HRESULT ObjectManagerProjection::DoGetFileDataCallback(const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA* callbackData, UINT64 byteOffset, UINT32 length) {
	auto object = ObjectManager::ObjectExists(callbackData->FilePathName);
	if (!object)

	auto buffer = ::PrjAllocateAlignedBuffer(m_VirtContext, length);
	if (!buffer)

	auto data = GetObjectData(callbackData->FilePathName, object.value());
	memcpy(buffer, (PBYTE)data.c_str() + byteOffset, length);
	auto hr = ::PrjWriteFileData(m_VirtContext, &callbackData->DataStreamId, buffer, byteOffset, length);

	return hr;

First we check if the object’s path is valid. Next, we need to allocate buffer for the data. There are some ProjFS alignment requirements, so we call PrjAllocateAlignedBuffer to allocate a properly-aligned buffer. Then we get the object data (a string, by calling our helper GetObjectData), and copy it into the allocated buffer. Finally, we pass the buffer to PrjWriteFileData and free the buffer. The byte offset provided is usually zero, but could theoretically be larger if the client reads from a non-zero position, so we must be prepared for it. In our case, the data is small, but in general it could be arbitrarily large.

GetObjectData itself looks like this:

std::wstring ObjectManagerProjection::GetObjectData(PCWSTR fullname, ObjectNameAndType const& info) {
	std::wstring target;
	if (info.TypeName == L"SymbolicLink") {
		target = ObjectManager::GetSymbolicLinkTarget(fullname);
	auto result = std::format(L"Name: {}\nType: {}\n", info.Name, info.TypeName);
	if (!target.empty())
		result = std::format(L"{}Target: {}\n", result, target);
	return result;

It calls a helper function, ObjectManager::GetSymbolicLinkTarget in case of a symbolic link, and builds the final string by using format (C++ 20) before returning it to the caller.

That’s all for the provider, except when terminating:

void ObjectManagerProjection::Term() {

The Object Manager

Looking into the ObjectManager helper class is somewhat out of the focus of this post, since it has nothing to do with ProjFS. It uses native APIs to enumerate objects in the object manager’s namespace and get details of a symbolic link’s target. For more information about the native APIs, check out my book “Windows Native API Programming” or search online. First, it includes <Winternl.h> to get some basic native functions like RtlInitUnicodeString, and also adds the APIs for directory objects:


#define DIRECTORY_QUERY  0x0001

extern "C" {
	NTSTATUS NTAPI NtOpenDirectoryObject(
		_Out_ PHANDLE hDirectory,
		_In_ ACCESS_MASK AccessMask,
		_In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes);

	NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject(
		_In_ HANDLE LinkHandle,
		_Inout_ PUNICODE_STRING LinkTarget,
		_Out_opt_ PULONG ReturnedLength);

	NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQueryDirectoryObject(
		_In_  HANDLE hDirectory,
		_In_  ULONG DirectoryEntryBufferSize,
		_In_  BOOLEAN  bOnlyFirstEntry,
		_In_  BOOLEAN bFirstEntry,
		_In_  PULONG  EntryIndex,
		_Out_ PULONG  BytesReturned);
	NTSTATUS NTAPI NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject(
		_Out_  PHANDLE LinkHandle,
		_In_   ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
		_In_   POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes);

Here is the main code that enumerates directory objects (some details omitted for clarity, see the full source code in the Github repo):

std::vector<ObjectNameAndType> ObjectManager::EnumDirectoryObjects(PCWSTR path, 
	PCWSTR objectName, std::function<bool(PCWSTR)> compare) {
	std::vector<ObjectNameAndType> objects;
	HANDLE hDirectory;
	std::wstring spath(path);
	if (spath[0] != L'\\')
		spath = L'\\' + spath;

	std::wstring object(objectName ? objectName : L"");

	RtlInitUnicodeString(&name, spath.c_str());
	InitializeObjectAttributes(&attr, &name, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
	if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtOpenDirectoryObject(&hDirectory, DIRECTORY_QUERY, &attr)))
		return objects;

	BYTE buffer[1 << 12];
	auto info = reinterpret_cast<OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION*>(buffer);
	bool first = true;
	ULONG size, index = 0;
	for (;;) {
		auto start = index;
		if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryDirectoryObject(hDirectory, info, sizeof(buffer), FALSE, first, &index, &size)))
		first = false;
		for (ULONG i = 0; i < index - start; i++) {
			ObjectNameAndType data;
			auto& p = info[i];
			data.Name = std::wstring(p.Name.Buffer, p.Name.Length / sizeof(WCHAR));
			if(compare && !compare(data.Name.c_str()))
			data.TypeName = std::wstring(p.TypeName.Buffer, p.TypeName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR));
			if (objectName && _wcsicmp(object.c_str(), data.Name.c_str()) == 0 || 
				_wcsicmp(object.c_str(), (data.Name + L"." + data.TypeName).c_str()) == 0) {
	return objects;

NtQueryDirectoryObject is called in a loop with increasing indices until it fails. The returned details for each entry is the object’s name and type name.

Here is how to get a symbolic link’s target:

std::wstring ObjectManager::GetSymbolicLinkTarget(PCWSTR path) {
	std::wstring spath(path);
	if (spath[0] != L'\\')
		spath = L"\\" + spath;

	HANDLE hLink;
	std::wstring target;
	RtlInitUnicodeString(&name, spath.c_str());
	InitializeObjectAttributes(&attr, &name, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
	if (NT_SUCCESS(NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject(&hLink, GENERIC_READ, &attr))) {
		WCHAR buffer[1 << 10];
		result.Buffer = buffer;
		result.MaximumLength = sizeof(buffer);
		if (NT_SUCCESS(NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject(hLink, &result, nullptr)))
			target.assign(result.Buffer, result.Length / sizeof(WCHAR));
	return target;

See the full source code at


The example provided is the bare minimum needed to write a ProjFS provider. This could be interesting for various types of data that is convenient to access with I/O APIs. Feel free to extend the example and resolve any bugs.

x64 Architecture and Programming Class

I promised this class a while back, and now it is happening. This is a brand new, 3 day class, split into 6 half-days, that covers the x64 processor architecture, programming in general, and programming in the context of Windows. The syllabus can be found here. It may change a bit, but should mostly be stable.

Dates are listed below. The times are 12pm-4pm EST (9am-1pm PST) (5pm-9pm UT)
January: 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31.

Cost: 750 USD (if paid by an individual), 1400 USD if paid by a company.


If you’d like to register, please send me an email to and provide your full name, company (if any), preferred contact email, and your time zone. Previous participants in my classes get 10% off.

The sessions will be recorded, so you can watch any part you may be missing, or that may be somewhat overwhelming in “real time”.

As usual, if you have any questions, feel free to send me an email, or DM on X (twitter) or Linkedin.

Thread Priorities in Windows

When a thread is created, it has some priority, which sets its importance compared to other threads competing for CPU time. The thread priority range is 0 to 31 (31 being the highest), where priority zero is used by the memory manager’s zero-page thread(s), whose purpose is to zero out physical pages (for reasons outside the scope of this post), so technically the allowed priority range is 1 to 31.

It stands to reason (to some extent), that a developer could change a thread’s priority to some valid value in the range of 1 to 31, but this is not the case. The Windows API sets up rules as to how thread priorities may change. First, there is a process priority class (sometimes called Base Priority), that specifies the default thread priority within that process. Processes don’t run – threads do, but still this is a process property and affects all threads in the process. You can see the value of this property very simply with Task Manager’s Base Priority column (not visible by default):

Base Priority column in Task Manager

There are six priority classes (the priority of which is specified after the colon):

  • Idle (called Low in Task Manager, probably not to give the wrong impression): 4
  • Below Normal (6)
  • Normal (8)
  • Above Normal (10)
  • Highest (13)
  • Realtime (24)

A few required notes:

  • Normal is the default priority class unless overridden in some way. For example, double-clicking an executable in Explorer will launch a new process with priority class of Normal (8).
  • The term “Realtime” does not imply Windows is a real-time OS; it’s not. “Real-time” just means “higher than all the others”.
  • To set the Realtime priority class, the process in question must have the SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege, normally granted to administrators. If “Realtime” is requested, but the process’s token does not poses that privilege, the result is “High”. The reason has do to with the fact that many kernel threads have priorities in the real-time range, and it could be problematic if too many threads spend a lot of time running in these priorities, potentially leading to kernel threads getting less time than they need.

Is this the end of the story? Not quite. For example, looking at Task Manager, processes like Csrss.exe (Windows subsystem process) or Smss.exe (Session manager) seem to have a priority class of Normal as well. Is this really the case? Yes and no (everyone likes that kind of answer, right?) We’ll get to that soon.

Setting a Thread’s priority

Changing the process priority class is possible with the SetPriorityClass API. For example, a process can change its own priority class like so:

::SetPriorityClass(::GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS);

You can do the same in .NET by utilizing the System.Diagnostics.Process class:

Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High;

You can also change priority class using Task Manager or Process Explorer, by right-clicking a process and selecting “Set Priority”.

Once the priority class is changed, it affects all threads in that process. But how?

It turns out that a specific thread’s priority can be changed around the process priority class. The following diagram shows the full picture:

Every small rectangle in the above diagram indicates a valid thread priority. For example, the Normal priority classes allows setting thread priorities to 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15. To be more generic, here are the rules for all except the Realtime class. A thread priority is by default the same as the process priority class, but it can be -1, -2, +1, +2 from that base, or have two extreme values (internally called “Saturation”) with the values 1 and 15.

The Realtime range is unique, where the base priority is 24, but all priorities from 16 to 31 are available. The SetThreadPriority API that can be used to change an individual thread’s priority accepts an enumeration value (as its second argument) rather than an absolute value. Here are the macro definitions:

#define THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST         // -2  
#define THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL         // 0
#define THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST        // + 2
#define THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE           // 1 or 16

Here is an example of changing the current thread’s priority to +2 compared to the process priority class:

::SetThreadPriority(::GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);

And a C# version:

Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;

You can see threads priorities in Process Explorer‘s bottom view:

Thread priorities in Process Explorer

There are two columns for priorities – A base priority and a Dynamic priority. The base priority is the priority set by code (SetThreadPriority) or the default, while the dynamic priority is the current thread’s priority, which could be slightly higher than the base (temporarily), and is changed because of certain decisions made by the kernel scheduler and other components and drivers that can produce such an effect. These thread boosting scenarios are outside the scope of this post.

If you want to see all threads in the system with their priorities, you can use my System Explorer tool, and select System / Threads menu item:

System Explorer showing all threads in the system

The two priority column are shown (Priority is the same as Dynamic Priority in Process Explorer). You can sort by any column, including the priority to see which threads have the highest priority.

Native APIs

If you look in Process Explorer, there is a column named Base Priority under the Process Performance tab:

Process Performance tab

With this column visible, it indicates a process priority with a number. It’s mostly the corresponding number to the priority class (e.g. 10 for Above Normal, 13 for High, etc.), but not always. For example, Smss.exe has a value of 11, which doesn’t correspond to any priority class. Csrss.exe processes have a value of 13.

Changing to these numbers can only be done with the Native API. Specifically, NtSetInformationProcess with the ProcessBasePriority enumeration value can make that change. Weirdly enough, if the value is higher than the current process priority, the same privilege mentioned earlier is required. The weird part, is that calling SetPriorityClass to change Normal to High always works, but calling NtSetInformationProcess to change from 8 to 13 (the same as Normal to High) requires that privilege; oh, well.

What about a specific thread? The native API allows changing a priority of a thread to any given value directly without the need to depend on the process priority class. Choosing a priority in the realtime range (16 or higher) still requires that privilege. But at least you get the flexibility to choose any priority value. The call to use is NtSetInformationThread with ThreadPriority enumeration. For example:

KPRIORITY priority = 14;
NtSetInformationThread(NtCurrentThread(), ThreadPriority, 
    &priority, sizeof(priority));

Note: the definitions for the native API can be obtained from the phnt project.

What happens if you need a high priority (16 or higher) but don’t have admin privileges in the process? Enter the Multimedia Class Scheduler.

The MMCSS Service

The multimedia class service coupled with a driver (mmcss.sys) provide a thread priority service intended for “multimedia” applications that would like to get some guarantee when “playing” multimedia. For example, if you have Spotify running locally, you’ll find there is one thread with priority 22, although the process itself has a priority class Normal:

Spotify threads

You can use the MMCSS API to get that kind of support. There is a Registry key that defines several “tasks” applications can use. Third parties can add more tasks:

MMCSS tasks

The base key is: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile\Tasks

The selected “Audio” task has several properties that are read by the MMCSS service. The most important is Priority, which is between 1 (low) and 8 (high) representing the relative priority compared to other “tasks”. Some values aren’t currently used (GPU Priority, SFIO Priority), so don’t expect anything from these.

Here is an example that uses the MMCSS API to increase the current thread’s priority:

#include <Windows.h>
#include <avrt.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "avrt")

int main() {
	DWORD index = 0;
    HANDLE h = AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics(L"Audio", &index);
	AvSetMmThreadPriority(h, AVRT_PRIORITY_HIGH);

The priority itself is an enumeration, where each value corresponds to a range of priorities (all above 15).

The returned HANDLE by the way, is to the MMCSS device (\Device\MMCSS). The argument to AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics must correspond to one of the “Tasks” registered. Calling AvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics reverts the thread to “normal”. There are more APIs in that set, check the docs.

Happy Threading!

Window Stations and Desktops

A while back I blogged about the differences between the virtual desktop feature exposed to users on Windows 10/11, and the Desktops tool from Sysinternals. In this post, I’d like to shed some more light on Window Stations, desktops, and windows. I assume you have read the aforementioned blog post before continuing.

We know that Window Stations are contained in sessions. Can we enumerate these? The EnumWindowStations API is available in the Windows API, but it only returns the Windows Stations in the current session. There is no “EnumSessionWindowStations”. Window Stations, however, are named objects, and so are visible in tools such as WinObj (running elevated):

Window stations in session 0

The Window Stations in session 0 are at \Windows\WindowStations
The Window Stations in session x are at \Sessions\x\Windows\WindowStations

The OpenWindowStation API only accepts a “local” name, under the callers session. The native NtUserOpenWindowStation API (from Win32u.dll) is more flexible, accepting a full object name:


Here is an example that opens the “msswindowstation” Window Station:

#include <Windows.h>
#include <winternl.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "ntdll")

HWINSTA NTAPI _NtUserOpenWindowStation(_In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attr, _In_ ACCESS_MASK access);
int main() {
	// force Win32u.DLL to load
	auto NtUserOpenWindowStation = (decltype(_NtUserOpenWindowStation)*)
		::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandle(L"win32u"), "NtUserOpenWindowStation");

	RtlInitUnicodeString(&winStaName, L"\\Windows\\WindowStations\\msswindowstation");
	InitializeObjectAttributes(&winStaAttr, &winStaName, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
	auto hWinSta = NtUserOpenWindowStation(&winStaAttr, READ_CONTROL);
	if (hWinSta) {
        // do something with hWinSta

You may or may not have enough power to open a handle with the required access – depending on the Window Station in question. Those in session 0 are hardly accessible from non-session 0 processes, even with the SYSTEM account. You can examine their security descriptor with the kernel debugger (as other tools will return access denied):

lkd> !object \Windows\WindowStations\msswindowstation
Object: ffffe103f5321c00  Type: (ffffe103bb0f0ae0) WindowStation
    ObjectHeader: ffffe103f5321bd0 (new version)
    HandleCount: 4  PointerCount: 98285
    Directory Object: ffff808433e412b0  Name: msswindowstation
lkd> dt nt!_OBJECT_HEADER ffffe103f5321bd0

   +0x000 PointerCount     : 0n98285
   +0x008 HandleCount      : 0n4
   +0x008 NextToFree       : 0x00000000`00000004 Void
   +0x010 Lock             : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x018 TypeIndex        : 0xa2 ''
   +0x019 TraceFlags       : 0 ''
   +0x019 DbgRefTrace      : 0y0
   +0x019 DbgTracePermanent : 0y0
   +0x01a InfoMask         : 0xe ''
   +0x01b Flags            : 0 ''
   +0x01b NewObject        : 0y0
   +0x01b KernelObject     : 0y0
   +0x01b KernelOnlyAccess : 0y0
   +0x01b ExclusiveObject  : 0y0
   +0x01b PermanentObject  : 0y0
   +0x01b DefaultSecurityQuota : 0y0
   +0x01b SingleHandleEntry : 0y0
   +0x01b DeletedInline    : 0y0
   +0x01c Reserved         : 0
   +0x020 ObjectCreateInfo : 0xfffff801`21c53940 _OBJECT_CREATE_INFORMATION
   +0x020 QuotaBlockCharged : 0xfffff801`21c53940 Void
   +0x028 SecurityDescriptor : 0xffff8084`3da8aa6c Void
   +0x030 Body             : _QUAD
lkd> !sd 0xffff8084`3da8aa60
->Revision: 0x1
->Sbz1    : 0x0
->Control : 0x8014
->Owner   : S-1-5-18
->Group   : S-1-5-18
->Dacl    : 
->Dacl    : ->AclRevision: 0x2
->Dacl    : ->Sbz1       : 0x0
->Dacl    : ->AclSize    : 0x1c
->Dacl    : ->AceCount   : 0x1
->Dacl    : ->Sbz2       : 0x0
->Dacl    : ->Ace[0]: ->AceType: ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
->Dacl    : ->Ace[0]: ->AceFlags: 0x0
->Dacl    : ->Ace[0]: ->AceSize: 0x14
->Dacl    : ->Ace[0]: ->Mask : 0x0000011b
->Dacl    : ->Ace[0]: ->SID: S-1-1-0

You can become SYSTEM to help with access by using PsExec from Sysinternals to launch a command window (or whatever) as SYSTEM but still run in the interactive session:

psexec -s -i -d cmd.exe

If all else fails, you may need to use the “Take Ownership” privilege to make yourself the owner of the object and change its DACL to allow yourself full access. Apparently, even that won’t work, as getting something from a Window Station in another session seems to be blocked (see replies in Twitter thread). READ_CONTROL is available to get some basic info.

Here is a screenshot of Object Explorer running under SYSTEM that shows some details of the “msswindowstation” Window Station:

Guess which processes hold handles to this hidden Windows Station?

Once you are able to get a Window Station handle, you may be able to go one step deeper by enumerating desktops, if you managed to get at least WINSTA_ENUMDESKTOPS access mask:

::EnumDesktops(hWinSta, [](auto deskname, auto param) -> BOOL {
	printf(" Desktop: %ws\n", deskname);
	auto h = (HWINSTA)param;
	return TRUE;
	}, (LPARAM)hWinSta);

Going one level deeper, you can enumerate the top-level windows in each desktop (if any). For that you will need to connect the process to the Window Station of interest and then call EnumDesktopWindows:

void DoEnumDesktopWindows(HWINSTA hWinSta, PCWSTR name) {
	if (::SetProcessWindowStation(hWinSta)) {
		auto hdesk = ::OpenDesktop(name, 0, FALSE, DESKTOP_READOBJECTS);
		if (!hdesk) {
			printf("--- failed to open desktop %ws (%d)\n", name, ::GetLastError());
		static WCHAR pname[MAX_PATH];
		::EnumDesktopWindows(hdesk, [](auto hwnd, auto) -> BOOL {
			static WCHAR text[64];
			if (::IsWindowVisible(hwnd) && ::GetWindowText(hwnd, text, _countof(text)) > 0) {
				DWORD pid;
				auto tid = ::GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid);
				auto hProcess = ::OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, FALSE, pid);
				BOOL exeNameFound = FALSE;
				PWSTR exeName = nullptr;
				if (hProcess) {
					DWORD size = MAX_PATH;
					exeNameFound = ::QueryFullProcessImageName(hProcess, 0, pname, &size);
					if (exeNameFound) {
						exeName = ::wcsrchr(pname, L'\\');
						if (exeName == nullptr)
							exeName = pname;
				printf("  HWND: 0x%08X PID: 0x%X (%d) %ws TID: 0x%X (%d): %ws\n", 
					(DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)hwnd, pid, pid, 
					exeNameFound ? exeName : L"", tid, tid, text);
			return TRUE;
			}, 0);

Calling SetProcessWindowStation can only work with a Windows Station that belongs to the current session.

Here is an example output for the interactive session (Window Stations enumerated with EnumWindowStations):

Window station: WinSta0
 Desktop: Default
  HWND: 0x00010E38 PID: 0x4D04 (19716) Zoom.exe TID: 0x5FF8 (24568): ZPToolBarParentWnd
  HWND: 0x000A1C7A PID: 0xB804 (47108) VsDebugConsole.exe TID: 0xDB50 (56144): D:\Dev\winsta\x64\Debug\winsta.exe
  HWND: 0x00031DE8 PID: 0xBF40 (48960) devenv.exe TID: 0x94E8 (38120): winsta - Microsoft Visual Studio Preview
  HWND: 0x00031526 PID: 0x1384 (4996) msedge.exe TID: 0xE7C (3708): zodiacon/ObjectExplorer: Explore Kernel Objects on Windows and
  HWND: 0x00171A9A PID: 0xA40C (41996)  TID: 0x9C08 (39944): WindowStation (\Windows\WindowStations\msswindowstation)
  HWND: 0x000319D0 PID: 0xA40C (41996)  TID: 0x9C08 (39944): Object Manager - Object Explorer (Administrator)
  HWND: 0x001117DC PID: 0x253C (9532) ObjExp.exe TID: 0x9E10 (40464): Object Manager - Object Explorer (Administrator)
  HWND: 0x00031CA8 PID: 0xBE5C (48732) devenv.exe TID: 0xC250 (49744): OpenWinSta - Microsoft Visual Studio Preview (Administrator)
  HWND: 0x000B1884 PID: 0xA8A0 (43168) DbgX.Shell.exe TID: 0xA668 (42600):  - KD '', Local Connection  - WinDbg 1.2306.12001.0 (Administra
  HWND: 0x000101C8 PID: 0x3598 (13720) explorer.exe TID: 0x359C (13724): Program Manager
Window station: Service-0x0-45193$
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x6A80
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0xA94C
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x3D8C
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x7EF8
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x72FC
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x27B4
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x6E80
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x6C54
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x68C8
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x691C
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x4150
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x6254
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x5B9C
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x59B4
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x1384
 Desktop: sbox_alternate_desktop_0x5480

The desktops in the Window Station “Service-0x0-45193$” above don’t seem to have top-level visible windows.

You can also access the clipboard and atom table of a given Windows Station, if you have a powerful enough handle. I’ll leave that as an exercise as well.

Finally, what about session enumeration? That’s the easy part – no need to call NtOpenSession with Session objects that can be found in the “\KernelObjects” directory in the Object Manager’s namespace – the WTS family of functions can be used. Specifically, WTSEnumerateSessionsEx can provide some important properties of a session:

void EnumSessions() {
	DWORD level = 1;
	DWORD count = 0;
	::WTSEnumerateSessionsEx(WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, &level, 0, &info, &count);
	for (DWORD i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		auto& data = info[i];
		printf("Session %d (%ws) Username: %ws\\%ws State: %s\n", data.SessionId, data.pSessionName, 
			data.pDomainName ? data.pDomainName : L"NT AUTHORITY", data.pUserName ? data.pUserName : L"SYSTEM", 

What about creating a process to use a different Window Station and desktop? One member of the STARTUPINFO structure passed to CreateProcess (lpDesktop) allows setting a desktop name and an optional Windows Station name separated by a backslash (e.g. “MyWinSta\MyDesktop”).

There is more to Window Stations and Desktops that meets the eye… this should give interested readers a head start in doing further research.

Kernel Object Names Lifetime

Much of the Windows kernel functionality is exposed via kernel objects. Processes, threads, events, desktops, semaphores, and many other object types exist. Some object types can have string-based names, which means they can be “looked up” by that name. In this post, I’d like to consider some subtleties that concern object names.

Let’s start by examining kernel object handles in Process Explorer. When we select a process of interest, we can see the list of handles in one of the bottom views:

Handles view in Process Explorer

However, Process Explorer shows what it considers handles to named objects only by default. But even that is not quite right. You will find certain object types in this view that don’t have string-based names. The simplest example is processes. Processes have numeric IDs, rather than string-based names. Still, Process Explorer shows processes with a “name” that shows the process executable name and its unique process ID. This is useful information, for sure, but it’s not the object’s name.

Same goes for threads: these are displayed, even though threads (like processes) have numeric IDs rather than string-based names.

If you wish to see all handles in a process, you need to check the menu item Show Unnamed Handles and Mappings in the View menu.

Object Name Lifetime

What is the lifetime associated with an object’s name? This sounds like a weird question. Kernel objects are reference counted, so obviously when an object reference count drops to zero, it is destroyed, and its name is deleted as well. This is correct in part. Let’s look a bit deeper.

The following example code creates a Notepad process, and puts it into a named Job object (error handling omitted for brevity):

STARTUPINFO si = { sizeof(si) };

WCHAR name[] = L"notepad";
::CreateProcess(nullptr, name, nullptr, nullptr, FALSE, 0, 
	nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi);

HANDLE hJob = ::CreateJobObject(nullptr, L"MyTestJob");
::AssignProcessToJobObject(hJob, pi.hProcess);

After running the above code, we can open Process Explorer, locate the new Notepad process, double-click it to get to its properties, and then navigate to the Job tab:

We can clearly see the job object’s name, prefixed with “\Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects” because simple object names (like “MyTestJob”) are prepended with a session-relative directory name, making the name unique to this session only, which means processes in other sessions can create objects with the same name (“MyTestJob”) without any collision. Further details on names and sessions is outside the scope of this post.

Let’s see what the kernel debugger has to say regarding this job object:

lkd> !process 0 1 notepad.exe
PROCESS ffffad8cfe3f4080
    SessionId: 1  Cid: 6da0    Peb: 175b3b7000  ParentCid: 16994
    DirBase: 14aa86d000  ObjectTable: ffffc2851aa24540  HandleCount: 233.
    Image: notepad.exe
    VadRoot ffffad8d65d53d40 Vads 90 Clone 0 Private 524. Modified 0. Locked 0.
    DeviceMap ffffc28401714cc0
    Token                             ffffc285355e9060
    ElapsedTime                       00:04:55.078
    UserTime                          00:00:00.000
    KernelTime                        00:00:00.000
    QuotaPoolUsage[PagedPool]         214720
    QuotaPoolUsage[NonPagedPool]      12760
    Working Set Sizes (now,min,max)  (4052, 50, 345) (16208KB, 200KB, 1380KB)
    PeakWorkingSetSize                3972
    VirtualSize                       2101395 Mb
    PeakVirtualSize                   2101436 Mb
    PageFaultCount                    4126
    MemoryPriority                    BACKGROUND
    BasePriority                      8
    CommitCharge                      646
    Job                               ffffad8d14503080

lkd> !object ffffad8d14503080
Object: ffffad8d14503080  Type: (ffffad8cad8b7900) Job
    ObjectHeader: ffffad8d14503050 (new version)
    HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 32768
    Directory Object: ffffc283fb072730  Name: MyTestJob

Clearly, there is a single handle to the job object. The PointerCount value is not the real reference count because of the kernel’s tracking of the number of usages each handle has (outside the scope of this post as well). To get the real reference count, we can click the PointerCount DML link in WinDbg (the !truref command):

kd> !trueref ffffad8d14503080
ffffad8d14503080: HandleCount: 1 PointerCount: 32768 RealPointerCount: 3

We have a reference count of 3, and since we have one handle, it means there are two references somewhere to this job object.

Now let’s see what happens when we close the job handle we’re holding:


Reopening the Notepad’s process properties in Process Explorer shows this:

Running the !object command again on the job yields the following:

lkd> !object ffffad8d14503080
Object: ffffad8d14503080  Type: (ffffad8cad8b7900) Job
    ObjectHeader: ffffad8d14503050 (new version)
    HandleCount: 0  PointerCount: 1
    Directory Object: 00000000  Name: MyTestJob

The handle count dropped to zero because we closed our (only) existing handle to the job. The job object’s name seem to be intact at first glance, but not really: The directory object is NULL, which means the object’s name is no longer visible in the object manager’s namespace.

Is the job object alive? Clearly, yes, as the pointer (reference) count is 1. When the handle count it zero, the Pointer Count is the correct reference count, and there is no need to run the !truref command. At this point, you should be able to guess why the object is still alive, and where is that one reference coming from.

If you guessed “the Notepad process”, then you are right. When a process is added to a job, it adds a reference to the job object so that it remains alive if at least one process is part of the job.

We, however, have lost the only handle we have to the job object. Can we get it back knowing the object’s name?

hJob = ::OpenJobObject(JOB_OBJECT_QUERY, FALSE, L"MyTestJob");

This call fails, and GetLastError returns 2 (“the system cannot find the file specified”, which in this case is the job object’s name). This means that the object name is destroyed when the last handle of the object is closed, even if there are outstanding references on the object (the object is alive!).

This the job object example is just that. The same rules apply to any named object.

Is there a way to “preserve” the object name even if all handles are closed? Yes, it’s possible if the object is created as “Permanent”. Unfortunately, this capability is not exposed by the Windows API functions like CreateJobObject, CreateEvent, and all other create functions that accept an object name.

Quick update: The native NtMakePermanentObject can make an object permanent given a handle, if the caller has the SeCreatePermanent privilege. This privilege is not granted to any user/group by default.

A permanent object can be created with kernel APIs, where the flag OBJ_PERMANENT is specified as one of the attribute flags part of the OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure that is passed to every object creation API in the kernel.

A “canonical” kernel example is the creation of a callback object. Callback objects are only usable in kernel mode. They provide a way for a driver/kernel to expose notifications in a uniform way, and allow interested parties (drivers/kernel) to register for notifications based on that callback object. Callback objects are created with a name so that they can be looked up easily by interested parties. In fact, there are quite a few callback objects on a typical Windows system, mostly in the Callback object manager namespace:

Most of the above callback objects’ usage is undocumented, except three which are documented in the WDK (ProcessorAdd, PowerState, and SetSystemTime). Creating a callback object with the following code creates the callback object but the name disappears immediately, as the ExCreateCallback API returns an object pointer rather than a handle:

UNICODE_STRING name = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"\\Callback\\MyCallback");
status = ExCreateCallback(&cb, &cbAttr, TRUE, TRUE);

The correct way to create a callback object is to add the OBJ_PERMANENT flag:

UNICODE_STRING name = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"\\Callback\\MyCallback");
status = ExCreateCallback(&cb, &cbAttr, TRUE, TRUE);

A permanent object must be made “temporary” (the opposite of permanent) before actually dereferencing it by calling ObMakeTemporaryObject.

Aside: Getting to an Object’s Name in WinDbg

For those that wonder how to locate an object’s name give its address. I hope that it’s clear enough… (watch the bold text).

lkd> !object ffffad8d190c0080
Object: ffffad8d190c0080  Type: (ffffad8cad8b7900) Job
    ObjectHeader: ffffad8d190c0050 (new version)
    HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 32770
    Directory Object: ffffc283fb072730  Name: MyTestJob
lkd> dt nt!_OBJECT_HEADER ffffad8d190c0050
   +0x000 PointerCount     : 0n32770
   +0x008 HandleCount      : 0n1
   +0x008 NextToFree       : 0x00000000`00000001 Void
   +0x010 Lock             : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x018 TypeIndex        : 0xe9 ''
   +0x019 TraceFlags       : 0 ''
   +0x019 DbgRefTrace      : 0y0
   +0x019 DbgTracePermanent : 0y0
   +0x01a InfoMask         : 0xa ''
   +0x01b Flags            : 0 ''
   +0x01b NewObject        : 0y0
   +0x01b KernelObject     : 0y0
   +0x01b KernelOnlyAccess : 0y0
   +0x01b ExclusiveObject  : 0y0
   +0x01b PermanentObject  : 0y0
   +0x01b DefaultSecurityQuota : 0y0
   +0x01b SingleHandleEntry : 0y0
   +0x01b DeletedInline    : 0y0
   +0x01c Reserved         : 0
   +0x020 ObjectCreateInfo : 0xffffad8c`d8e40cc0 _OBJECT_CREATE_INFORMATION
   +0x020 QuotaBlockCharged : 0xffffad8c`d8e40cc0 Void
   +0x028 SecurityDescriptor : 0xffffc284`3dd85eae Void
   +0x030 Body             : _QUAD
lkd> db nt!ObpInfoMaskToOffset L10
fffff807`72625e20  00 20 20 40 10 30 30 50-20 40 40 60 30 50 50 70  .  @.00P @@`0PPp
lkd> dx (nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO*)(0xffffad8d190c0050 - ((char*)0xfffff807`72625e20)[(((nt!_OBJECT_HEADER*)0xffffad8d190c0050)->InfoMask & 3)])
(nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO*)(0xffffad8d190c0050 - ((char*)0xfffff807`72625e20)[(((nt!_OBJECT_HEADER*)0xffffad8d190c0050)->InfoMask & 3)])                 : 0xffffad8d190c0030 [Type: _OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO *]
    [+0x000] Directory        : 0xffffc283fb072730 [Type: _OBJECT_DIRECTORY *]
    [+0x008] Name             : "MyTestJob" [Type: _UNICODE_STRING]
    [+0x018] ReferenceCount   : 0 [Type: long]
    [+0x01c] Reserved         : 0x0 [Type: unsigned long]

Memory Information in Task Manager

You may have been asked this question many times: “How much memory does this process consume?” The question seems innocent enough. Your first instinct might be to open Task Manager, go to the Processes tab, find the process in the list, and look at the column marked “Memory“. What could be simpler?

A complication is hinted at when looking in the Details tab. The default memory-related column is named “Memory (Active Private Working Set)”, which seems more complex than simply “Memory”. Opening the list of columns from the Details tab shows more columns where the term “Memory” is used. What gives?

The Processes’ tab Memory column is the same as the Details’ tab Memory (active private working set). But what does it mean? Let’s break it down:

  • Working set – the memory is accessible by the processor with no page fault exception. Simply put, the memory is in RAM (physical memory).
  • Private – the memory is private to the process. This is in contrast to shared memory, which is (at least can be) shared with other processes. The canonical example of shared memory is PE images – DLLs and executables. A DLL that is mapped to multiple processes will (in most cases) have a single presence in physical memory.
  • Active – this is an artificial term used by Task Manager related to UWP (Universal Windows Platform) processes. If a UWP process’ window is minimized, this column shows zero memory consumption, because in theory, since all the process’ threads are suspended, that memory can be repurposed for other processes to use. You can try it by running Calculator, and minimizing its window. You’ll see this column showing zero. Restore the window, and it will show some non-zero value. In fact, there is a column named Memory (private working set), which shows the same thing but does not take into consideration the “active” aspect of UWP processes.

So what does all this mean? The fact that this column shows only private memory is a good thing. That’s because the shared memory size (in most cases) is not controllable and is fixed – for example, the size of a DLL – it’s out of our control – the process just needs to use the DLL. The downside of this active private working set column is that fact it only shows memory current part of the process working set – in RAM. A process may allocate a large junk of memory, but most of it may not be in RAM right now, but it is still consumed, and counts towards the commit limit of the system.

Here is a simple example. I’m writing the following code to allocate (commit) 64 GM of memory:

auto ptr = VirtualAlloc(nullptr, 64LL << 30, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);

Here is what Task manager shows in its Performance/Memory tab before the call:

“In Use” indicates current RAM (physical memory) usage – it’s 34.6 GB. The “Committed” part is more important – it indicates how much memory I can totally commit on the system, regardless of whether it’s in physical memory now or not. It shows “44/128 GB” – 44 GB are committed now (34.6 of that in RAM), and my commit limit is 128 GB (it’s the sum of my total RAM and the configured page files sizes). Here is the same view after I commit the above 64 GB:

Notice the physical memory didn’t change much, but the committed memory “jumped” by 64 GB, meaning there is now only 20 GB left for other processes to use before the system runs out of memory (or page file expansion occurs). Looking at the Details that for this Test process shows the active private working set column indicating a very low memory consumption because it’s looking at private RAM usage only:

Only when the process starts “touching” (using) the committed memory, physical pages will start being used by the process. The name “committed” indicates the commitment of the system to providing that entire memory block if required no matter what.

Where is that 64 GB shown? The column to use is called in Task Manager Commit Size, which is in fact private committed memory:

Commit Size is the correct column to look at when trying to ascertain memory consumption in processes. The sad thing is that it’s not the default column shown, and that’s why many people use the misleading active private working set column. My guess is the reason the misleading column is shown by default is because physical memory is easy to understand for most people, whereas virtual memory – (some of which is in RAM and some which is not) is not trivially understood.

Compare Commit Size to active private working set sometimes reveals a big difference – an indication that most of the private memory of a process is not in RAM right now, but the memory is still consumed as far as the memory manager is concerned.

A related confusion exists because of different terminology used by different tools. Specifically, Commit Size in Task Manager is called Private Bytes in Process Explorer and Performance Monitor.

Task Manager’s other memory columns allow you to look at more memory counters such as Working Set (total RAM used by a process, including private and shared memory), Peak Working Set, Memory (shared working set), and Working Set Delta.

There are other subtleties I am not expanding on in this post. Hopefully, I’ll touch on these in a future post.

Bottom line: Commit Size is the way to go.

Minimal Executables

Here is a simple experiment to try: open Visual Studio and create a C++ console application. All that app is doing is display “hello world” to the console:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
	printf("Hello, world!\n");
	return 0;

Build the executable in Release build and check its size. I get 11KB (x64). Not too bad, perhaps. However, if we check the dependencies of this executable (using the dumpbin command line tool or any PE Viewer), we’ll find the following in the Import directory:

There are two dependencies: Kernel32.dll and VCRuntime140.dll. This means these DLLs will load at process start time no matter what. If any of these DLLs is not found, the process will crash. We can’t get rid of Kernel32 easily, but we may be able to link statically to the CRT. Here is the required change to VS project properties:

After building, the resulting executable jumps to 136KB in size! Remember, it’s a “hello, world” application. The Imports directory in a PE viewer now show Kernel32.dll as the only dependency.

Is that best we can do? Why do we need the CRT in the first place? One obvious reason is the usage of the printf function, which is implemented by the CRT. Maybe we can use something else without depending on the CRT. There are other reasons the CRT is needed. Here are a few:

  • The CRT is the one calling our main function with the correct argc and argv. This is expected behavior by developers.
  • Any C++ global objects that have constructors are executed by the CRT before the main function is invoked.
  • Other expected behaviors are provided by the CRT, such as correct handling of the errno (global) variable, which is not really global, but uses Thread-Local-Storage behind the scenes to make it per-thread.
  • The CRT implements the new and delete C++ operators, without which much of the C++ standard library wouldn’t work without major customization.

Still, we may be OK doing things outside the CRT, taking care of ourselves. Let’s see if we can pull it off. Let’s tell the linker that we’re not interested in the CRT:

Setting “Ignore All Default Libraries” tells the linker we’re not interested in linking with the CRT in any way. Building the app now gives some linker errors:

1>Test2.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_check_cookie
1>Test2.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp___acrt_iob_func
1>Test2.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp___stdio_common_vfprintf
1>LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol mainCRTStartup
1>D:\Dev\Minimal\x64\Release\Test2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals

One thing we expected is the missing printf implementation. What about the other errors? We have the missing “security cookie” implementation, which is a feature of the CRT to try to detect stack overrun by placing a “cookie” – some number – before making certain function calls and making sure that cookie is still there after returning. We’ll have to settle without this feature. The main missing piece is mainCRTStartup, which is the default entry point that the linker is expecting. We can change the name, or overwrite main to have that name.

First, let’s try to fix the linker errors before reimplementing the printf functionality. We’ll remove the printf call and rebuild. Things are improving:

>Test2.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_check_cookie
1>LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol mainCRTStartup
1>D:\Dev\Minimal\x64\Release\Test2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals

The “security cookie” feature can be removed with another compiler option:

When rebuilding, we get a warning about the “/sdl” (Security Developer Lifecycle) option conflicting with removing the security cookie, which we can remove as well. Regardless, the final linker error remains – mainCRTStartup.

We can rename main to mainCRTStartup and “implement” printf by going straight to the console API (part of Kernel32.Dll):

#include <Windows.h>

int mainCRTStartup() {
	char text[] = "Hello, World!\n";
		text, (DWORD)strlen(text), nullptr, nullptr);

	return 0;

This compiles and links ok, and we get the expected output. The file size is only 4KB! An improvement even over the initial project. The dependencies are still just Kernel32.DLL, with the only two functions used:

You may be thinking that although we replaced printf, that’s wasn’t the full power of printf – it supports various format specifiers, etc., which are going to be difficult to reimplement. Is this just a futile exercise?

Not necessarily. Remember that every user mode process always links with NTDLL.dll, which means the API in NtDll is always available. As it turns out, a lot of functionality that is implemented by the CRT is also implemented in NTDLL. printf is not there, but the next best thing is – sprintf and the other similar formatting functions. They would fill a buffer with the result, and then we could call WriteConsole to spit it to the console. Problem solved!

Removing the CRT

Well, almost. Let’s add a definition for sprintf_s (we’ll be nice and go with the “safe” version), and then use it:

#include <Windows.h>

extern "C" int __cdecl sprintf_s(
	char* buffer,
	size_t sizeOfBuffer,
	const char* format,	...);

int mainCRTStartup() {
	char text[64];
	sprintf_s(text, _countof(text), "Hello, world from process %u\n", ::GetCurrentProcessId());
		text, (DWORD)strlen(text), nullptr, nullptr);

	return 0;

Unfortunately, this does not link: sprintf_s is an unresolved external, just like strlen. It makes sense, since the linker does not know where to look for it. Let’s help out by adding the import library for NtDll:

#pragma comment(lib, "ntdll")

This should work, but one error persists – sprintf_s; strlen however, is resolved. The reason is that the import library for NtDll provided by Microsoft does not have an import entry for sprintf_s and other CRT-like functions. Why? No good reason I can think of. What can we do? One option is to create an NtDll.lib import library of our own and use it. In fact, some people have already done that. One such file can be found as part of my NativeApps repository (it’s called NtDll64.lib, as the name does not really matter). The other option is to link dynamically. Let’s do that:

int __cdecl sprintf_s_f(
	char* buffer, size_t sizeOfBuffer, const char* format, ...);

int mainCRTStartup() {
	auto sprintf_s = (decltype(sprintf_s_f)*)::GetProcAddress(
        ::GetModuleHandle(L"ntdll"), "sprintf_s");
	if (sprintf_s) {
		char text[64];
		sprintf_s(text, _countof(text), "Hello, world from process %u\n", ::GetCurrentProcessId());
			text, (DWORD)strlen(text), nullptr, nullptr);

	return 0;

Now it works and runs as expected.

You may be wondering why does NTDLL implement the CRT-like functions in the first place? The CRT exists, after all, and can be normally used. “Normally” is the operative word here. Native applications, those that can only depend on NTDLL cannot use the CRT. And this is why these functions are implemented as part of NTDLL – to make it easier to build native applications. Normally, native applications are built by Microsoft only. Examples include Smss.exe (the session manager), CSrss.exe (the Windows subsystem process), and UserInit.exe (normally executed by WinLogon.exe on a successful login).

One thing that may be missing in our “main” function are command line arguments. Can we just add the classic argc and argv and go about our business? Let’s try:

int mainCRTStartup(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
char text[64];
sprintf_s(text, _countof(text), 
    "argc: %d argv[0]: 0x%p\n", argc, argv[0]);
	text, (DWORD)strlen(text), nullptr, nullptr);

Seems simple enough. argv[0] should be the address of the executable path itself. The code carefully displays the address only, not trying to dereference it as a string. The result, however, is perplexing:

argc: -359940096 argv[0]: 0x74894808245C8948

This seems completely wrong. The reason we see these weird values (if you try it, you’ll get different values. In fact, you may get different values in every run!) is that the expected parameters by a true entry point of an executable is not based on argc and argv – this is part of the CRT magic. We don’t have a CRT anymore. There is in fact just one argument, and it’s the Process Environment Block (PEB). We can add some code to show some of what is in there (non-relevant code omitted):

#include <Windows.h>
#include <winternl.h>
int mainCRTStartup(PPEB peb) {
	char text[256];
	sprintf_s(text, _countof(text), "PEB: 0x%p\n", peb);
		text, (DWORD)strlen(text), nullptr, nullptr);

	sprintf_s(text, _countof(text), "Executable: %wZ\n", 
		text, (DWORD)strlen(text), nullptr, nullptr);

	sprintf_s(text, _countof(text), "Commandline: %wZ\n", 
		text, (DWORD)strlen(text), nullptr, nullptr);

<Winternl.h> contains some NTDLL definitions, such as a partially defined PEB. In it, there is a ProcessParameters member that holds the image path and the full command line. Here is the result on my console:

PEB: 0x000000EAC01DB000
Executable: D:\Dev\Minimal\x64\Release\Test3.exe
Commandline: "D:\Dev\Minimal\x64\Release\Test3.exe"

The PEB is the argument provided by the OS to the entry point, whatever its name is. This is exactly what native applications get as well. By the way, we could have used GetCommandLine from Kernel32.dll to get the command line if we didn’t add the PEB argument. But for native applications (that can only depend on NTDLL), GetCommandLine is not an option.

Going Native

How far are we from a true native application? What would be the motivation for such an application anyway, besides small file size and reduced dependencies? Let’s start with the first question.

To make our executable truly native, we have to do two things. The first is to change the subsystem of the executable (stored in the PE header) to Native. VS provides this option via a linker setting:

The second thing is to remove the dependency on Kernel32.Dll. No more WriteConsole and no GetCurrentProcessId. We will have to find some equivalent in NTDLL, or write our own implementation leveraging what NtDll has to offer. This is obviously not easy, given that most of NTDLL is undocumented, but most function prototypes are available as part of the Process Hacker/phnt project.

For the second question – why bother? Well, one reason is that native applications can be configured to run very early in Windows boot – these in fact run by Smss.exe itself when it’s the only existing user-mode process at that time. Such applications (like autochk.exe, a native chkdsk.exe) must be native – they cannot depend on the CRT or even on kernel32.dll, since the Windows Subsystem Process (csrss.exe) has not been launched yet.

For more information on Native Applications, you can view my talk on the subject.

I may write a blog post on native application to give more details. The examples shown here can be found here.

Happy minimization!

Upcoming Public Training Classes for April/May

Today I’m happy to announce two training classes to take place in April and May. These classes will be in 4-hour session chunks, so that it’s easier to consume even for uncomfortable time zones.

The first is Advanced Windows Kernel Programming, a class I was promising for quite some time now… it will be held on the following dates:

  • April: 18, 20, 24, 27 and May: 1, 4, 8, 11 (4 days total)
  • Times: 11am to 3pm ET (8am-12pm PT, 4pm to 8pm UT/GMT)

The course will include advanced topics in Windows kernel development, and is recommended for those that were in my Windows Kernel Programming class or have equivalent knowledge; for example, by reading my book Windows Kernel Programming.

Example topics include: deep dive into Windows’ kernel design, working with APCs, Windows Filtering Platform callout drivers, advanced memory management techniques, plug & play filter drivers, and more!

The second class is Windows Internals to be held on the following dates:

  • May: 2, 3, 9, 10, 15, 18, 22, 24, 30 and June: 1, 5 (5.5 days)
  • Times: 11am to 3pm ET (8am-12pm PT, 4pm to 8pm UT/GMT)

The syllabus can be found here (some modifications possible, but the general outline remains).

950 USD (if paid by an individual), 1900 USD (if paid by a company). The cost is the same for these training classes. Previous students in my classes get 10% off.
Multiple participants from the same company get a discount as well (contact me for the details).

If you’d like to register, please send me an email to with the name of the training in the email title, provide your full name, company (if any), preferred contact email, and your time zone.

The sessions will be recorded, so you can watch any part you may be missing, or that may be somewhat overwhelming in “real time”.

As usual, if you have any questions, feel free to send me an email, or DM on twitter (@zodiacon) or Linkedin (

Introduction to the Windows Filtering Platform

As part of the second edition of Windows Kernel Programming, I’m working on chapter 13 to describe the basics of the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP). The chapter will focus mostly on kernel-mode WFP Callout drivers (it is a kernel programming book after all), but I am also providing a brief introduction to WFP and its user-mode API.

This introduction (with some simplifications) is what this post is about. Enjoy!

The Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) provides flexible ways to control network filtering. It exposes user-mode and kernel-mode APIs, that interact with several layers of the networking stack. Some configuration and control is available directly from user-mode, without requiring any kernel-mode code (although it does require administrator-level access). WFP replaces older network filtering technologies, such as Transport Driver Interface (TDI) filters some types of NDIS filters.

If examining network packets (and even modification) is required, a kernel-mode Callout driver can be written, which is what we’ll be concerned with in this chapter. We’ll begin with an overview of the main pieces of WFP, look at some user-mode code examples for configuring filters before diving into building simple Callout drivers that allows fine-grained control over network packets.

WFP is comprised of user-mode and kernel-mode components. A very high-level architecture is shown here:

In user-mode, the WFP manager is the Base Filtering Engine (BFE), which is a service implemented by bfe.dll and hosted in a standard svchost.exe instance. It implements the WFP user-mode API, essentially managing the platform, talking to its kernel counterpart when needed. We’ll examine some of these APIs in the next section.

User-mode applications, services and other components can utilize this user-mode management API to examine WFP objects state, and make changes, such as adding or deleting filters. A classic example of such “user” is the Windows Firewall, which is normally controllable by leveraging the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) that is provided for this purpose, but using these APIs from other applications is just as effective.

The kernel-mode filter engine exposes various logical layers, where filters (and callouts) can be attached. Layers represent locations in the network processing of one or more packets. The TCP/IP driver makes calls to the WFP kernel engine so that it can decide which filters (if any) should be “invoked”.

For filters, this means checking the conditions set by the filter against the current request. If the conditions are satisfied, the filter’s action is applied. Common actions include blocking a request from being further processed, allowing the request to continue without further processing in this layer, continuing to the next filter in this layer (if any), and invoking a callout driver. Callouts can perform any kind of processing, such as examining and even modifying packet data.
The relationship between layers, filters, and callouts is shown here:

As you can see the diagram, each layer can have zero or more filters, and zero or more callouts. The number and meaning of the layers is fixed and provided out of the box by Windows. On most system, there are about 100 layers. Many of the layers are sets of pairs, where one is for IPv4 and the other (identical in purpose) is for IPv6.

The WFP Explorer tool I created provides some insight into what makes up WFP. Running the tool and selecting View/Layers from the menu (or clicking the Layers tool bar button) shows a view of all existing layers.

You can download the WFP Explorer tool from its Github repository
( or the AllTools repository

Each layer is uniquely identified by a GUID. Its Layer ID is used internally by the kernel engine as an identifier rather than the GUID, as it’s smaller and so is faster (layer IDs are 16-bit only). Most layers have fields that can be used by filters to set conditions for invoking their actions. Double-clicking a layer shows its properties. The next figure shows the general properties of an example layer. Notice it has 382 filters and 2 callouts attached to it.

Clicking the Fields tab shows the fields available in this layer, that can be used by filters to set conditions.

The meaning of the various layers, and the meaning of the fields for the layers are all documented in the official WFP documentation.

The currently existing filters can be viewed in WFP Explorer by selecting Filters from the View menu. Layers cannot be added or removed, but filters can. Management code (user or kernel) can add and/or remove filters dynamically while the system is running. You can see that on the system the tool is running on there are currently 2978 filters.

Each filter is uniquely identified by a GUID, and just like layers has a “shorter” id (64-bit) that is used by the kernel engine to more quickly compare filter IDs when needed. Since multiple filters can be assigned to the same layer, some kind of ordering must be used when assessing filters. This is where the filter’s weight comes into play. A weight is a 64-bit value that is used to sort filters by priority. As you can see in figure 13-7, there are two weight properties – weight and effective weight. Weight is what is specified when adding the filter, but effective weight is the actual one used. There are three possible values to set for weight:

  • A value between 0 and 15 is interpreted by WFP as a weight index, which simply means that the effective weight is going to start with 4 bits having the specified weight value and generate the other 60 bit. For example, if the weight is set to 5, then the effective weight is going to be between 0x5000000000000000 and 0x5FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
  • An empty value tells WFP to generate an effective weight somewhere in the 64-bit range.
  • A value above 15 is taken as is to become the effective weight.

What is an “empty” value? The weight is not really a number, but a FWP_VALUE type can hold all sorts of values, including holding no value at all (empty).

Double-clicking a filter in WFP Explorer shows its general properties:

The Conditions tab shows the conditions this filter is configured with. When all the conditions are met, the action of the filter is going to fire.

The list of fields used by a filter must be a subset of the fields exposed by the layer this filter is attached to. There are six conditions shown in figure 13-9 out of the possible 39 fields supported by this layer (“ALE Receive/Accept v4 Layer”). As you can see, there is a lot of flexibility in specifying conditions for fields – this is evident in the matching enumeration, FWPM_MATCH_TYPE:

typedef enum FWP_MATCH_TYPE_ {
    FWP_MATCH_EQUAL    = 0,

The WFP API exposes its functionality for user-mode and kernel-mode callers. The header files used are different, to cater for differences in API expectations between user-mode and kernel-mode, but APIs in general are identical. For example, kernel APIs return NTSTATUS, whereas user-mode APIs return a simple LONG, that is the error value that is returned normally from GetLastError. Some APIs are provided for kernel-mode only, as they don’t make sense for user mode.

W> The user-mode WFP APIs never set the last error, and always return the error value directly. Zero (ERROR_SUCCESS) means success, while other (positive) values mean failure. Do not call GetLastError when using WFP – just look at the returned value.

WFP functions and structures use a versioning scheme, where function and structure names end with a digit, indicating version. For example, FWPM_LAYER0 is the first version of a structure describing a layer. At the time of writing, this was the only structure for describing a layer. As a counter example, there are several versions of the function beginning with FwpmNetEventEnum: FwpmNetEventEnum0 (for Vista+), FwpmNetEventEnum1 (Windows 7+), FwpmNetEventEnum2 (Windows 8+), FwpmNetEventEnum3 (Windows 10+), FwpmNetEventEnum4 (Windows 10 RS4+), and FwpmNetEventEnum5 (Windows 10 RS5+). This is an extreme example, but there are others with less “versions”. You can use any version that matches the target platform. To make it easier to work with these APIs and structures, a macro is defined with the base name that is expanded to the maximum supported version based on the target compilation platform. Here is part of the declarations for the macro FwpmNetEventEnum:

DWORD FwpmNetEventEnum0(
   _In_ HANDLE engineHandle,
   _In_ HANDLE enumHandle,
   _In_ UINT32 numEntriesRequested,
   _Outptr_result_buffer_(*numEntriesReturned) FWPM_NET_EVENT0*** entries,
   _Out_ UINT32* numEntriesReturned);
DWORD FwpmNetEventEnum1(
   _In_ HANDLE engineHandle,
   _In_ HANDLE enumHandle,
   _In_ UINT32 numEntriesRequested,
   _Outptr_result_buffer_(*numEntriesReturned) FWPM_NET_EVENT1*** entries,
   _Out_ UINT32* numEntriesReturned);
DWORD FwpmNetEventEnum2(
   _In_ HANDLE engineHandle,
   _In_ HANDLE enumHandle,
   _In_ UINT32 numEntriesRequested,
   _Outptr_result_buffer_(*numEntriesReturned) FWPM_NET_EVENT2*** entries,
   _Out_ UINT32* numEntriesReturned);

You can see that the differences in the functions relate to the structures returned as part of these APIs (FWPM_NET_EVENTx). It’s recommended you use the macros, and only turn to specific versions if there is a compelling reason to do so.

The WFP APIs adhere to strict naming conventions that make it easier to use. All management functions start with Fwpm (Filtering Windows Platform Management), and all management structures start with FWPM. The function names themselves use the pattern <prefix><object type><operation>, such as FwpmFilterAdd and FwpmLayerGetByKey.

It’s curious that the prefixes used for functions, structures, and enums start with FWP rather than the (perhaps) expected WFP. I couldn’t find a compelling reason for this.

WFP header files start with fwp and end with u for user-mode or k for kernel-mode. For example, fwpmu.h holds the management functions for user-mode callers, whereas fwpmk.h is the header for kernel callers. Two common files, fwptypes.h and fwpmtypes.h are used by both user-mode and kernel-mode headers. They are included by the “main” header files.

User-Mode Examples

Before making any calls to specific APIs, a handle to the WFP engine must be opened with FwpmEngineOpen:

DWORD FwpmEngineOpen0(
   _In_opt_ const wchar_t* serverName,  // must be NULL
   _In_ UINT32 authnService,            // RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT
   _In_opt_ SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W* authIdentity,
   _In_opt_ const FWPM_SESSION0* session,
   _Out_ HANDLE* engineHandle);

Most of the arguments have good defaults when NULL is specified. The returned handle must be used with subsequent APIs. Once it’s no longer needed, it must be closed:

DWORD FwpmEngineClose0(_Inout_ HANDLE engineHandle);

Enumerating Objects

What can we do with an engine handle? One thing provided with the management API is enumeration. These are the APIs used by WFP Explorer to enumerate layers, filters, sessions, and other object types in WFP. The following example displays some details for all the filters in the system (error handling omitted for brevity, the project wfpfilters has the full source code):

#include <Windows.h>
#include <fwpmu.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>

#pragma comment(lib, "Fwpuclnt")

std::wstring GuidToString(GUID const& guid) {
    WCHAR sguid[64];
    return ::StringFromGUID2(guid, sguid, _countof(sguid)) ? sguid : L"";

const char* ActionToString(FWPM_ACTION const& action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case FWP_ACTION_BLOCK:               return "Block";
        case FWP_ACTION_PERMIT:              return "Permit";
        case FWP_ACTION_CALLOUT_TERMINATING: return "Callout Terminating";
        case FWP_ACTION_CALLOUT_INSPECTION:  return "Callout Inspection";
        case FWP_ACTION_CALLOUT_UNKNOWN:     return "Callout Unknown";
        case FWP_ACTION_CONTINUE:            return "Continue";
        case FWP_ACTION_NONE:                return "None";
        case FWP_ACTION_NONE_NO_MATCH:       return "None (No Match)";
    return "";

int main() {
    // open a handle to the WFP engine
    HANDLE hEngine;
    FwpmEngineOpen(nullptr, RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT, nullptr, nullptr, &hEngine);

    // create an enumeration handle
    HANDLE hEnum;
    FwpmFilterCreateEnumHandle(hEngine, nullptr, &hEnum);

    UINT32 count;
    FWPM_FILTER** filters;
    // enumerate filters
    FwpmFilterEnum(hEngine, hEnum, 
        8192,       // maximum entries, 
        &filters,   // returned result
        &count);    // how many actually returned

    for (UINT32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        auto f = filters[i];
        printf("%ws Name: %-40ws Id: 0x%016llX Conditions: %2u Action: %s\n",
    // free memory allocated by FwpmFilterEnum

    // close enumeration handle
    FwpmFilterDestroyEnumHandle(hEngine, hEnum);

    // close engine handle

    return 0;

The enumeration pattern repeat itself with all other WFP object types (layers, callouts, sessions, etc.).

Adding Filters

Let’s see if we can add a filter to perform some useful function. Suppose we want to prevent network access from some process. We can add a filter at an appropriate layer to make it happen. Adding a filter is a matter of calling FwpmFilterAdd:

DWORD FwpmFilterAdd0(
   _In_ HANDLE engineHandle,
   _In_ const FWPM_FILTER0* filter,
   _Out_opt_ UINT64* id);

The main work is to fill a FWPM_FILTER structure defined like so:

typedef struct FWPM_FILTER0_ {
    GUID filterKey;
    FWPM_DISPLAY_DATA0 displayData;
    UINT32 flags;
    /* [unique] */ GUID *providerKey;
    FWP_BYTE_BLOB providerData;
    GUID layerKey;
    GUID subLayerKey;
    FWP_VALUE0 weight;
    UINT32 numFilterConditions;
    /* [unique][size_is] */ FWPM_FILTER_CONDITION0 *filterCondition;
    FWPM_ACTION0 action;
    /* [switch_is] */ /* [switch_type] */ union 
        /* [case()] */ UINT64 rawContext;
        /* [case()] */ GUID providerContextKey;
        }     ;
    /* [unique] */ GUID *reserved;
    UINT64 filterId;
    FWP_VALUE0 effectiveWeight;

The weird-looking comments are generated by the Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL) compiler when generating the header file from an IDL file. Although IDL is most commonly used by Component Object Model (COM) to define interfaces and types, WFP uses IDL to define its APIs, even though no COM interfaces are used; just plain C functions. The original IDL files are provided with the SDK, and they are worth checking out, since they may contain developer comments that are not “transferred” to the resulting header files.

Some members in FWPM_FILTER are necessary – layerKey to indicate the layer to attach this filter, any conditions needed to trigger the filter (numFilterConditions and the filterCondition array), and the action to take if the filter is triggered (action field).

Let’s create some code that prevents the Windows Calculator from accessing the network. You may be wondering why would calculator require network access? No, it’s not contacting Google to ask for the result of 2+2. It’s using the Internet for accessing current exchange rates.

Clicking the Update Rates button causes Calculator to consult the Internet for the updated exchange rate. We’ll add a filter that prevents this.

We’ll start as usual by opening handle to the WFP engine as was done in the previous example. Next, we need to fill the FWPM_FILTER structure. First, a nice display name:

FWPM_FILTER filter{};   // zero out the structure
WCHAR filterName[] = L"Prevent Calculator from accessing the web"; = filterName;

The name has no functional part – it just allows easy identification when enumerating filters. Now we need to select the layer. We’ll also specify the action:

filter.action.type = FWP_ACTION_BLOCK;

There are several layers that could be used for blocking access, with the above layer being good enough to get the job done. Full description of the provided layers, their purpose and when they are used is provided as part of the WFP documentation.

The last part to initialize is the conditions to use. Without conditions, the filter is always going to be invoked, which will block all network access (or just for some processes, based on its effective weight). In our case, we only care about the application – we don’t care about ports or protocols. The layer we selected has several fields, one of with is called ALE App ID (ALE stands for Application Layer Enforcement).

This field can be used to identify an executable. To get that ID, we can use FwpmGetAppIdFromFileName. Here is the code for Calculator’s executable:

WCHAR filename[] = LR"(C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_11.2210.0.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\CalculatorApp.exe)";
FwpmGetAppIdFromFileName(filename, &appId);

The code uses the path to the Calculator executable on my system – you should change that as needed because Calculator’s version might be different. A quick way to get the executable path is to run Calculator, open Process Explorer, open the resulting process properties, and copy the path from the Image tab.

The R"( and closing parenthesis in the above snippet disable the “escaping” property of backslashes, making it easier to write file paths (C++ 14 feature).

The return value from FwpmGetAppIdFromFileName is a BLOB that needs to be freed eventually with FwpmFreeMemory.

Now we’re ready to specify the one and only condition:

cond.fieldKey = FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_APP_ID;      // field
cond.matchType = FWP_MATCH_EQUAL;
cond.conditionValue.type = FWP_BYTE_BLOB_TYPE;
cond.conditionValue.byteBlob = appId;

filter.filterCondition = &cond;
filter.numFilterConditions = 1;

The conditionValue member of FWPM_FILTER_CONDITION is a FWP_VALUE, which is a generic way to specify many types of values. It has a type member that indicates the member in a big union that should be used. In our case, the type is a BLOB (FWP_BYTE_BLOB_TYPE) and the actual value should be passed in the byteBlob union member.

The last step is to add the filter, and repeat the exercise for IPv6, as we don’t know how Calculator connects to the currency exchange server (we can find out, but it would be simpler and more robust to just block IPv6 as well):

FwpmFilterAdd(hEngine, &filter, nullptr, nullptr);

filter.layerKey = FWPM_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V6;   // IPv6
FwpmFilterAdd(hEngine, &filter, nullptr, nullptr);

We didn’t specify any GUID for the filter. This causes WFP to generate a GUID. We didn’t specify weight, either. WFP will generate them.

All that’s left now is some cleanup:


Running this code (elevated) should and trying to refresh the currency exchange rate with Calculator should fail. Note that there is no need to restart Calculator – the effect is immediate.

We can locate the filters added with WFP Explorer:

Double-clicking one of the filters and selecting the Conditions tab shows the only condition where the App ID is revealed to be the full path of the executable in device form. Of course, you should not take any dependency on this format, as it may change in the future.

You can right-click the filters and delete them using WFP Explorer. The FwpmFilterDeleteByKey API is used behind the scenes. This will restore Calculator’s exchange rate update functionality.

Unnamed Directory Objects

A lot of the functionality in Windows is based around various kernel objects. One such object is a Directory, not to be confused with a directory in a file system. A Directory object is conceptually simple: it’s a container for other kernel objects, including other Directory objects, thus creating a hierarchy used by the kernel’s Object Manager to manage named objects. This arrangement can be easily seen with tools like WinObj from Sysinternals:

The left part of WinObj shows object manager directories, where named objects are “stored” and can be located by name. Clear and simple enough.

However, Directory objects can be unnamed as well as named. How can this be? Here is my Object Explorer tool (similar functionality is available with my System Explorer tool as well). One of its views is a “statistical” view of all object types, some of their properties, such as their name, type index, number of objects and handles, peak number of objects and handles, generic access mapping, and the pool type they’re allocated from.

If you right-click the Directory object type and select “All Objects”, you’ll see another view that shows all Directory objects in the system (well, not necessarily all, but most*).

If you scroll a bit, you’ll see many unnamed Directory objects that have no name:

It seems weird, as a Directory with no name doesn’t make sense. These directories, however, are “real” and serve an important purpose – managing a private object namespace. I blogged about private object namespaces quite a few years ago (it was in my old blog site that is now unfortunately lost), but here is the gist of it:

Object names are useful because they allow easy sharing between processes. For example, if two or more processes would like to share memory, they can create a memory mapped file object (called Section within the kernel) with a name they are all aware of. Calling CreateFileMapping (or one of its variants) with the same name will create the object (by the first caller), where subsequent callers get handles to the existing object because it was looked up by name.

This is easy and useful, but there is a possible catch: since the name is “visible” using tools or APIs, other processes can “interfere” with the object by getting their own handle using that visible name and “meddle” with the object, maliciously or accidentally.

The solution to this problem arrived in Windows Vista with the idea of private object namespaces. A set of cooperating processes can create a private namespace only they can use, protected by a “secret” name and more importantly a boundary descriptor. The details are beyond the scope of this post, but it’s all documented in the Windows API functions such as CreateBoundaryDescriptor, CreatePrivateNamespace and friends. Here is an example of using these APIs to create a private namespace with a section object in it (error handling omitted):

HANDLE hBD = ::CreateBoundaryDescriptor(L"MyDescriptor", 0);
auto psid = reinterpret_cast<PSID>(sid);
DWORD sidLen;
::CreateWellKnownSid(WinBuiltinUsersSid, nullptr, psid, &sidLen);
::AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor(&m_hBD, psid);

// create the private namespace
hNamespace = ::CreatePrivateNamespace(nullptr, hBD, L"MyNamespace");
if (!hNamespace) { // maybe created already?
	hNamespace = ::OpenPrivateNamespace(hBD, L"MyNamespace");

HANDLE hSharedMem = ::CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, nullptr, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 1 << 12, L"MyNamespace\\MySharedMem"));

This snippet is taken from the PrivateSharing code example from the Windows 10 System Programming part 1 book.

If you run this demo application, and look at the resulting handle (hSharedMem) in the above code in a tool like Process Explorer or Object Explorer you’ll see the name of the object is not given:

The full name is not shown and cannot be retrieved from user mode. And even if it could somehow be located, the boundary descriptor provides further protection. Let’s examine this object in the kernel debugger. Copying its address from the object’s properties:

Pasting the address into a local kernel debugger – first using the generic !object command:

lkd> !object 0xFFFFB3068E162D10
Object: ffffb3068e162d10  Type: (ffff9507ed78c220) Section
    ObjectHeader: ffffb3068e162ce0 (new version)
    HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 32769
    Directory Object: ffffb3069e8cbe00  Name: MySharedMem

The name is there, but the directory object is there as well. Let’s examine it:

lkd> !object ffffb3069e8cbe00
Object: ffffb3069e8cbe00  Type: (ffff9507ed6d0d20) Directory
    ObjectHeader: ffffb3069e8cbdd0 (new version)
    HandleCount: 3  PointerCount: 98300

    Hash Address          Type                      Name
    ---- -------          ----                      ----
     19  ffffb3068e162d10 Section                   MySharedMem

There is one object in this directory. What’s the directory’s name? We need to examine the object header for that – its address is given in the above output:

lkd> dt nt!_OBJECT_HEADER ffffb3069e8cbdd0
   +0x000 PointerCount     : 0n32769
   +0x008 HandleCount      : 0n1
   +0x008 NextToFree       : 0x00000000`00000001 Void
   +0x010 Lock             : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x018 TypeIndex        : 0x53 'S'
   +0x019 TraceFlags       : 0 ''
   +0x019 DbgRefTrace      : 0y0
   +0x019 DbgTracePermanent : 0y0
   +0x01a InfoMask         : 0x8 ''
   +0x01b Flags            : 0 ''
   +0x01b NewObject        : 0y0
   +0x01b KernelObject     : 0y0
   +0x01b KernelOnlyAccess : 0y0
   +0x01b ExclusiveObject  : 0y0
   +0x01b PermanentObject  : 0y0
   +0x01b DefaultSecurityQuota : 0y0
   +0x01b SingleHandleEntry : 0y0
   +0x01b DeletedInline    : 0y0
   +0x01c Reserved         : 0x301
   +0x020 ObjectCreateInfo : 0xffff9508`18f2ba40 _OBJECT_CREATE_INFORMATION
   +0x020 QuotaBlockCharged : 0xffff9508`18f2ba40 Void
   +0x028 SecurityDescriptor : 0xffffb305`dd0d56ed Void
   +0x030 Body             : _QUAD

Getting a kernel’s object name is a little tricky, and will not be fully described here. The first requirement is the InfoMask member must have bit 1 set (value of 2), as this indicates a name is present. Since it’s not (the value is 8), there is no name to this directory. We can examine the directory object in more detail by looking at the real data structure underneath given the object’s original address:

kd> dt nt!_OBJECT_DIRECTORY ffffb3069e8cbe00
   +0x000 HashBuckets      : [37] (null) 
   +0x128 Lock             : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x130 DeviceMap        : (null) 
   +0x138 ShadowDirectory  : (null) 
   +0x140 NamespaceEntry   : 0xffffb306`9e8cbf58 Void
   +0x148 SessionObject    : (null) 
   +0x150 Flags            : 1
   +0x154 SessionId        : 0xffffffff

The interesting piece is the NamespaceEntry member, which is not-NULL. This indicates the purpose of this directory: to be a container for a private namespace’s objects. You can also click on HasBuckets and locate the single section object there.

Going back to Process Explorer, enabling unnamed object handles (View menu, Show Unnamed Handles and Mappings) and looking for unnamed directory objects:

The directory’s address is the same one we were looking at!

The pointer at NamespaceEntry points to an undocumented structure that is not currently provided with the symbols. But just looking a bit beyond the directory’s object structure shows a hint:

lkd> db ffffb3069e8cbe00+158
ffffb306`9e8cbf58  d8 f9 a3 55 06 b3 ff ff-70 46 12 66 07 f8 ff ff  ...U....pF.f....
ffffb306`9e8cbf68  00 be 8c 9e 06 b3 ff ff-48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........H.......
ffffb306`9e8cbf78  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
ffffb306`9e8cbf88  01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00-48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........H.......
ffffb306`9e8cbf98  01 00 00 00 20 00 00 00-4d 00 79 00 44 00 65 00  .... ...M.y.D.e.
ffffb306`9e8cbfa8  73 00 63 00 72 00 69 00-70 00 74 00 6f 00 72 00  s.c.r.i.p.t.o.r.
ffffb306`9e8cbfb8  02 00 00 00 18 00 00 00-01 02 00 00 00 00 00 05  ................
ffffb306`9e8cbfc8  20 00 00 00 21 02 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ...!...........

The name “MyDescriptor” is clearly visible, which is the name of the boundary descriptor in the above code.

The kernel debugger’s documentation indicates that the !object command with a -p switch should show the private namespaces. However, this fails:

lkd> !object -p
00000000: Unable to get value of ObpPrivateNamespaceLookupTable

The debugger seems to fail locating a global kernel variable. This is probably a bug in the debugger command, because object namespaces scope has changed since the introduction of Server Silos in Windows 10 version 1607 (for example, Docker uses these when running Windows containers). Each silo has its own object manager namespace, so the old global variable does not exist anymore. I suspect Microsoft has not updated this command switch to support silos. Even with no server silos running, the host is considered to be in its own (global) silo, called host silo. You can see its details by utilizing the !silo debugger command:

kd> !silo -g host
Server silo globals fffff80766124540:
		Default Error Port: ffff950815bee140
		ServiceSessionId  : 0
		OB Root Directory : 
		State             : Running

Clicking the “Server silo globals” link, shows more details:

kd> dx -r1 (*((nt!_ESERVERSILO_GLOBALS *)0xfffff80766124540))
(*((nt!_ESERVERSILO_GLOBALS *)0xfffff80766124540))                 [Type: _ESERVERSILO_GLOBALS]
    [+0x000] ObSiloState      [Type: _OBP_SILODRIVERSTATE]
    [+0x2e0] SeSiloState      [Type: _SEP_SILOSTATE]
    [+0x310] SeRmSiloState    [Type: _SEP_RM_LSA_CONNECTION_STATE]
    [+0x360] EtwSiloState     : 0xffff9507edbc9000 [Type: _ETW_SILODRIVERSTATE *]
    [+0x368] MiSessionLeaderProcess : 0xffff95080bbdb040 [Type: _EPROCESS *]
    [+0x370] ExpDefaultErrorPortProcess : 0xffff950815bee140 [Type: _EPROCESS *]

ObSiloState is the root object related to the object manager. Clicking this one shows:

lkd> dx -r1 (*((ntkrnlmp!_OBP_SILODRIVERSTATE *)0xfffff80766124540))
(*((ntkrnlmp!_OBP_SILODRIVERSTATE *)0xfffff80766124540))                 [Type: _OBP_SILODRIVERSTATE]
    [+0x000] SystemDeviceMap  : 0xffffb305c8c48720 [Type: _DEVICE_MAP *]
    [+0x008] SystemDosDeviceState [Type: _OBP_SYSTEM_DOS_DEVICE_STATE]
    [+0x078] DeviceMapLock    [Type: _EX_PUSH_LOCK]
    [+0x080] PrivateNamespaceLookupTable [Type: _OBJECT_NAMESPACE_LOOKUPTABLE]

PrivateNamespaceLookupTable is the root object for the private namespaces for this Silo (in this example it’s the host silo).

The interested reader is welcome to dig into this further.

The list of private namespaces is provided with the WinObjEx64 tool if you run it elevated and have local kernel debugging enabled, as it uses the kernel debugger’s driver to read kernel memory.

* Most objects, because the way Object Explorer works is by enumerating handles and associating them with objects. However, some objects are held using references from the kernel with zero handles. Such objects cannot be detected by Object Explorer.